
During a national emergency the President has the authority to suspend the Constitution when he feels it is necessary to do so. Whenever there is a real or imaginary threat the President can suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.ben-franklin-liberty-security-620x465.jpg?width=500&profile=RESIZE_710x



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  • I don't spend a lot of time on here, but I don't see much about how it is that Coronavirus is killing the Constitution.   I saw about five lines saying the president can suspend our liberties in a crisis.  That seems to me to be reasonable.  As to killing the Constitution, I think our Coronavirus crisis is strange, but I think the Constitution has been dead for all practical purposes for most of its supposed life.  My flagpole is about half of the normal display height.  I leave it that way so that if anyone asks about it, I can say it is half-staff because the Constitution is dead.

    Lewis Bishop

  • I think President Trump probably is the very best president to serve, at this exact time, in the history of our nation. His constant self-aggrandizement is annoying, even to those of us, that truly appreciate his positive accomplishments. 

    His battle with the bureaucratic deep state, led by the opposition party and their co-conspirators in the media and labor unions makes his chest pounding enthusiasm, understandable. The ideology of the opposition is so repulsive, to all who want our Republic to return to its founding principles, that self promoting bluster and disagreeable rhetoric, is a small price to pay, to redirect us away from the perils of Socialism.

    It is past time for our leaders to pursue our Republic's rational self-interest, instead of taking divisive emotional actions, based on personality issues.

    MAGA - KAG!

  • I agree that the corona virus is putting the final nails into our constitutions coffin. They have been working their plan for more than about 175 years. They now have taken the step to institute martial law. The police departments are enforcing the close downs and the orders to not congregate. In Florida they have ordered churches closed which is clear violation of separation of church and state. They are telling people where they can go. They are picking and choosing which businesses can remain working. Welcome to the New US. Welcome to the dictatorship of Emperor Trump. This corona has already shut down some states primaries. If it continues Trump could shut down voting all together and just stay in power. We shall need to watch and see.

    • Yes, Trump should shut down voting and stay in power.  Trump, Putin, and Bolsonaro should all three stay in power.  They are about the only leaders remaining in the major countries that have sense enough to come in out of the rain.  The so-called "Democracy" thing is a ticket to mass economic and social failure, because  fast-talking demagogues are what the masses "vote" into power.  History proves unequivocally that when a demagogue who is a fool is voted into power, things deteriorate rapidly.   Putin, Trump, and Bolsonaro don't please the intellectual air-headed leftists in the media, but these three leaders have been saying things that need to be said, and they have not been doing the foolish things that ruin the country.

      • If he remains in power then the constitution is definitely dead. He will then begin his reign as dictator. Trump supporters are as foolish as those supporting ocasio cortes.  By supporting any of these demagogues you are throwing away your freedom. What we need is a complete cleaning out of the government. People need to rise up and go against the current tyrannical reaches of power. AKA all these restrictions the government is placing on us restricting our movement and the places we can go. I know some who are businesses staying open against the orders. They are our heroes and if you find one you should support them. Churches being ordered closed. If I find a church that stays open I will go just to support them. I am willing to be arrested violating these orders because they violate our God given rights that have been reassured in our Constitution.

        • Thank GOD, those that share Brother Becker's views are not in control of our government, at this time.

          Emergency Powers allow the president to issue directives, that carry the force of law, to protect the governed. Emergency Powers are TEMPORARY and exist only as long as the crisis.

          Contagions spread through groups like wildfire and when the groups disperse, the infection spreads exponentially.

          Some among us need to be reminded, that the most important duty of the POTUS is to protect the citizens.

          • https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/mar/25/what-good-are-consti...

            read article at this link

            get your head out of your backside. If you support the constitution you have to be against the tyranny we being forced under. Dont let your fear over ride your freedom. You, Fredrick Rehders are willingly giving up your freedoms and your natural rights. I am unwilling to do the same.

            I would rather have dangerous freedom than safe slavery.

            What good are constitutional rights if they are violated when Americans get sick?
            You want to bring the family to visit grandma? You want to go to work? You want to celebrate Mass? These are all now prohibited in one-third of the…
          • One of my Fox colleagues recently sent me an email attachment of a painting of the framers signing the Constitution of the United States. Except in this version, George Washington — who presided at the Constitutional Convention — looks at James Madison — who was the scrivener at the Convention — and says, “None of this counts if people get sick, right?”

            first paragraph of the article if you cant bring your self to read the whole article

          • If this group feels as this guy does then I am in the wrong group. I stand for the Constitution. In face of being arrested. I went to a business that is a business ordered shut down by the governor and interacted for mutual gain through business. I am proud to stand for My Constitution. I am no man's slave

            • I read all of Judge Napolitano's Washington Times column. I owe you and offer my apology, for assuming you were an anti-Trump snow flake.

              I believe government is needed, but it's power must be limited. Ours has grown into a bloated bureaucracy and has been off the rails, since the 1800s.

              "Each of us should have the right to do as we please, as long as we do no harm, or intrude on the rights of others", are our rules.  Anarchy has no rules!

              I admit, that I cannot Constitutionally defend government banning the gathering of individuals in groups because of negative consequences, that may or may not happen. Due Process makes no allowance for pandemics

              The 13th Amendment freed the slaves. The 16th made us all Serfs!

              I have offered my apology and stand corrected.

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