According to the Constitution each state should be taxed according to their population. A state with 10% of the total population of the country would be assessed an amount equal to 10% of the Federal budget. It would be up to the states to decide how to collect the amount required from the residents (occupants), of their state.

If the central government was actually confined to Constitutional limits it could only collect money from the states to Establish Justice, provide for the Common Defense and Promote the General Welfare.

All other governmental services should be provided by the states, and the central government should only intervene in the affairs of a state when invited by the state to do so.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 authorizes the government of the United States to have jurisdiction over the District of Columbia ONLY. The government has no authority to tax over anyone living outside of the District of Columbia.

The government of the United States was created by the states and is supposed to be a servant of the people. The states are supposed to be the master of the federal government.

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  • How about we make it so that each COUNTY is taxed according to their population instead. That way these big city corporate County conglomerations will have to pay for all their own largess and waste.

    • If the state wants to collect money from each of their counties in order to pay their obligation to the central government it would/might be an idea to consider. The Constitution states that representation in the House of Representatives and taxes shall be apportioned to the states based upon population. The tax revenue should flow from the counties to the state and then to the government of the United States.

    • If the legislature of a given state feels that a tax submitted to them by the government of the United States violates the Constitution they have a right to refuse to pay it. The states should decide what is and what is not Constitutional, Giving the authority to nine lawyers is not what the founding fathers had in mind,.

  • Good idea but will never pass with idiots that are in charge today,there would not be enough money for them to steal.

  • We are not under an Art 1 Sect 8 taxing plan.  The gov on all levels is claiming everyone is a 'citizen of the United States'  → which is a citizen of the fed gov via the 14th amendment.  Under Art 4,3,2, the gov is granted the power to make and impose 'all needful rules'.  As a fed citizen, there is no claimed right to own all of one's own labor or to even completely own property, thus under Art 4 the fed gov is granted the power to lay and impose almost any tax it wants.

    No state constitution grants a state the power to impose a tax on labor, but a citizen of the fed gov gets no protections from their state's constitution - therefore the state is allowed to also tax them.  If you look up the a state's statutes regarding income tax, they all state that taxation by a state is contingent upon the individual being first subject to the fed income tax.

    So, in the many cases where the states and state courts ignore their state's constitutions in regards to the rights of the people, the action is taken on the claim you are a 14th subject or a subject of the fed gov.

    • Time to amend the 14th Amendment because we are not of the federal government, but of our Creator. In fact that part of the 14th Amendment must be null and void since it creates an unnatural relationship.

      • One change to the 14th that would have a major impact would be - 'Citizens of the United States, from the adoption of this change, shall be seen and treated as citizens of the state in which they reside.'  

        This would suddenly bring them under the protection of their state's constitution and remove them from direct federal control.  This will never happen.  The other option would be to implement in the individual states a right to justice amendment to all persons physically in the state.  The way I have drafted this proposed amendment it would bring back common law justice and eliminating communism while allowing some beneficial socialism.

        There is one right that 14th subject have which is ignored because it is no included in the bill of rights.  As set forth in Art 4,3,2, 14th subjects shall not have imposed upon them laws and rules that the gov cannot prove are 'needful' and that are claimed to be merely oppressive.  People need to start exercising the right to challenge all abusive rules as not meeting the 'needful rule' doctrine and make the gov prove its laws and rules are needful or cease imposing them.  This would eliminate a lot of bad laws and rules.

        • I would like to see this amendment of yours Bill.

          I have proposed my own. I can share them with you if you wish.

          As for your statement that:

          " it would bring back common law justice and eliminate communism while allowing some beneficial socialism."

          I must disagree. This is not possible. This is just the way "they" sell communism. By cloaking it in "socialism". This always opens the door to a runaway train called communism and eventually full tyranny.

          Read my lips. 

          IT NEVER WORKS!

      • Time to Repeal The 14th Amendment. Not a real long amendment proposal, but it just happens to fall in at #34.

        • The goal of the 14th was to grant citizenship [ of a sorts ] to a class of people that were at that time without the ability to become citizens.  It was for the negro but congress lawfully expanded its goal to all non-whites.  Under official gov policy that status has been unconstitutionally imposed also on whites [ an act of treason by the way because the gov had to declare war upon them to accomplish this ].

          If you abolished the 14th, what would you do with all the millions of people that would suddenly be here but not be citizens?  Many of which now hold public office which would have to immediately step down. Some in congress and even some on the SCt.

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