The Double Standard


The government of the United States either promoted genocide or stood idly by and watched the extermination of millions of Native Americans and the theft of millions of acres of the land that they had possessed for thousands of years.

The evidence that the government actively participated in the extermination of millions of indigenous people is overwhelming.

Yet, we have been taught that the actions of our ancestors were both noble and justified. When any man, our nation takes the lives, liberty and/or property of another, they have committed a crime. The idea that Americans can slaughter millions of innocent men, women and children and escape God's judgement is both naive and preposterous.

When Germany committed crimes against humanity we were outraged but when the atrocities are committed by our own government we find a way to justify our actions/

8575482860?profile=originalWas Germany's invasion of Poland and the holocaust that followed any more heinous than our treatment of the Native Americans? Did we authorize our government to steal the lives, liberty and property of the Native Americans or were the men that we elected to represent us commit these crimes.

Portraying General William Henry Harrison and Andrew Jackson as war heroes would be akin to honoring Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann as war heroes. Why is it that we are so quick to forgive the our own transgressions while we bomb other nations to make the world safe for democracy?

The people that allow their government to lie, cheat, and steal are just as guilty as the man that hires a burglar to steal his neighbors property. Individually and collectively, We the People are responsible for the conduct of our leaders/ We need to repent of our sins and hold the criminals in Washington D.C. accountable. If we allow them to get away with murder we become their accomplices.




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  • Hear, hear. Don't forget the modern American war criminal, Ike Eisenhower. He murdered more than one and a half million German soldiers by forcing them to stand in open pens with no latrines, no cover from rain and snow, no medical treatment. Starved them to death like animals.

    • My wife was born the night they bombed Frankfurt, Germany...Later after the war when she entered school she remembers that the US Army under the direction of Isenhower saw to it that every child in school had a hot meal...Without these meals many a child would have become malnourished and could have possibly been weakened whereas disease could have taken the lives of many German children...She is grateful to the Commander who shortly thereafter became President of the United States...Dwight Isenhower!

      • So, your position is that by feeding little children, Ike escaped his culpability for the slow torturous death of 1.6 million soldiers in his death camps? Many of those German "soldiers" were not much older than the children you mentioned. The German army conscripted young boys towards the end of the war to defend the Motherland. Eisenhower was a filthy murderer.

        • You sound like a liberal basher or a Nazi sympathizer...You are forgetting the millions of Jews, Jehova Witness's, Catholic Preist's and score of other prisoners that Isenhower liberated from the Nazi death camps...Yes it is true...Even today...During war s**t happens...Your rant is about a lame as your brain!

          • You sound like a moron. So your position is the same as that other reactionary. Since all Germans were obviously evil, it's perfectly OK for Ike to summarily condemn them all to a horrible death by starvation, sickness and exposure. And for your information, of which you have a great lack, those murders had nothing to do with the war. It was over. Those German "soldiers", some as young as 13 yrs. were murdered by Ike's orders. And i wasn't ranting. I was agreeing with the original post. If you don't understand how evil the UNITED STATES is, what are you doing here?

            • What are you doing here?...You might like to answer your own question...If you don't like living in this evil country...Why don't you move to Germany or some other country which you believe would best accomodate your rave against the United States!...If it will make you feel any better I will let you have the last word for all your neo Nazi friends to read!

              • I'm talking about an evil man and an evil corporatocracy. What are you going on about? The UNITED STATES is NOT a country! It is a privately owned overlay made to look for all the world like the confederation cum federation via the Constitution for the United States of America. The original government structure was formed by free and independent States. States are countries, Ed, not vassal subordinates of a Central Union. The United States, in all its many versions, has never been superior in any way to the States that created it! Nor has it ever been a country, though that is the dream of the foreign cabal that has spent several generations trying to make it so.

                Wake up, Ed. You want to worship the heroes of fraud? That's on you. At least now you can't claim ignorance.

  • I am not an American Indian, but my wife is a descendant of the Seneca Nation. When I heard of the trail of tears and the small pox infestation I began to realize that history was written by the victors. Hitler and his crew are remembered as monsters because they lost the war. If we are going to move forward as a truly free nation, and intend to re-establish the Constitution as our American basis, we should acknowledge the mistakes, no the atrocities our ancestors have committed, and make sure this atrocity is acknowledged in our schools, and we should have a national day of sorrow for our actions here. This will help insure this kind of tragedy never repeats in the United States of America. And these "Presidential hero's" should be recognized for the monsters they were. Then maybe future Presidents will know, that they could earn disgrace with similar actions. I can not help but wonder what other things happened that we are not aware of ... Remember Ed, just because a monster is nice one day does not alleviate the monstrous things he has done or will do.

  • I have to stand on the side of Keith and Timothy. The reason for the Civil war was because of the sins of our own country, and for no one else. We are getting ready for another war which will also serve as a house cleaning party. You may want to put up a 2 year supply, if you have an ear to hear.

  • And everyone else. What makes them think they have a right to go around the world picking fights like the high school bullies they are. They are like a cancer in growth mode.

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