Use Things and Love People

The world is filled with far too many individuals who covet wealth, power and prestige and will do whatever is necessary to accumulate what they want.

We have become obsessed with acquiring wealth and power and have forgotten that true happiness comes from our relationships with other human beings. When we seek to satisfy our lust for wealth and power at the expense of others, we lose track of what is really important.

Peace, prosperity and freedom cannot exist in a world where everyone is competing for a larger slice of the pie. Because we have accepted the premise that there is only a limited supply of wealth and in order to get our fair share we must compete with each other. The idea that we must exploit others or be exploited is the premise promotes greed and debt slavery.

The truth is that there are an almost unlimited number of resources available to produce a vast abundance of wealth for everyone. The problem is that the financial elite who control the monetary systems in virtually every nation are determined to control all of the world's resources including it's people.

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  • Christ had very little. Mostly the clothes he had on His back. He didn't have wealth or luxuries, but He had LOVE for each of us. Money doesn't buy happiness. It helps financially but when you're down and out how many friends do you have. There were those that tortured and spit upon the Christ, but He wasn't out to CONTROL anything or anyone. There are many that don't believe in Christ.. I need Him in my life every hour of everyday. I pray that I may be more like Him. None of us need to control the world as it will never happen. Let us LOVE ONE ANOTHER as Christ and God has shown us how. These are the things that count. Friendships that we obtain and make through being a friend are in our life are the treasures of life that we have. Our families are the dearest friend we will ever have. Let us learn and study how to be more Christ Like and then we will know what riches are all about.

  • It is too bad that so many of the people who call themselves Christians worship at the altar of the mighty dollar. Unfortunately, most people feel a necessity to compete with their neighbor rather than to love them unconditionally without the expectation of being compensated materially.

    Christians should never support candidates advocate war, abortion or taxation

  • When we use Federal Reserve Notes were are using currency that is officially the property of the Federal Reserve. When we use these notes we become subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve. We must find a way to disconnect ourselves from this cartel and reclaim our freedom.

  • You are so right Marty Johnson. Mitt Romney is a very sharing man and does good by people. A lot depends like you say on how we use our wealth. Those you listed in the third paragraph are those that worship money and do evil things with it to further evil.  Yes they will pay as God is our final judge.

  •      Jesus said to the rich young ruler:  "There is one thing you lack, start a tax exempt foundation that marginalizes me and brings honor to yourself."  Oooops, accidently read from the NAV(New Age Version), the real Bible says "sell all that you have, give to the poor and come follow me."  The real Bible also says:  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."(Heb. 13 vs 8).

  • There was a very interesting monetary concept initiated during the early years of the Kennedy Administration. President Kennedy initiated the Silver Certificate Program by issuing notes from the US Treasury redeemable in silver. An entire series of silver certificates was planned by President Kennedy. This was a currency in direct competition with the Federal Reserve notes. Many believe that the silver certificate program would have limited the power and growth of the Federal Reserve. While many theories abound regarding his untimely assassination, could the silver certificate have been a factor? Meanwhile how many are aware of Ron Paul's, Free Competition in Currency Act?

    It is a given that this bit of common sense legislation has little or no chance of ever becoming law. Think back over the years about the number of times Ron Paul's, Audit the Fed has been in committee, think about the Gold that Germany asked to be returned from safe storage in the US, the reply of involving the US requiring 7 years to return the gold. Does anyone really believe that there is any gold in stored in Fort Knox?

    Talk about a wealth building opportunity inherent in this particular era and circumstances, with the entire world being papered over with gold and silver paper, a good case for physical has never been better. Unfortunately only about 10 to 15 % of the population have any real understanding of what is being done to the dollar and to the free markets of this once home of Adam Smith's invisible hand. It would appear that, like China, encouraging the people to buy gold and silver would have merit as an effort to help your fellow man. Unfortunately the majority of the population continues with skepticism and are obsessed with worshiping at the alter of the "paper" dollar.

  • life (especially people) has no limits in creating waste, so logic (and even the law of energy conservation) implies there are relatively even fewer limits in natural resources ...especially when wealth is money; garbage in, garbage out (than in) ...and living turns in reverse of natural or normal poisons the most precious resource, LOVE! ...the use of money creates and fuels hate!

  • Romney, the only elephant in the room that can afford to run for president ...Joe the plumber is much more qualified, his practical experience tells me he earned much more than romney's silver spoon, and his real or true wealth reflects that ...but Joe's chances are nil, his daddy didn't own a significant portion of detroit.

  • I much prefer Ayn Rand's definition of money as it is described in Atlas Shrugged when the character of the South American play boy, geologist, miner spoke directly to that of money. As but a tool between civilized men. It is not money that is the root of all evil but instead it is the love of money. Money itself is a tool and the one suited for achievement between men, it is either that or stones, swords or something else. While I must refresh my memory on this brilliant bit of philosophy espoused so well by Ayn Rand, I believe it is one of the best dissertations thus far ever offered to the virtue of money in the affairs of men. I wrote of the fallacy of those that worship at the alter of "paper" money previously, for if money ceases to become a store of wealth and of an exchange of that wealth between men then it is no longer a virtue of the value of the work of men but instead something that represents a fiat by government of its questionable worth. It is not money but currency instead, trust the value of that which has held value to mankind since it was dug out of the earth and refined as gold. Contrary to the popular current perception, Gold, Silver are not the 3500 year old relics but instead represent the virtue of money, as a store of value.

  • There is nothing unethical about exercising your right to accumulate wealth as long as you do so while employing ethical means.

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