Shall Not Exceed Notice
Dear State Representative ___________________________,
This notice is to inform you of the following problem. Our new Congressional District maps are going to be published soon. These maps MUST be made to reflect the requirements set forth in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, wherein; "The number of Representatives SHALL NOT EXCEED one for every thirty Thousand,.." (1/30,000). The problem is that "exceed" is being interpreted as "no more than". This flies in the face of the very definition of "exceed" AND the original intent as written in Federalist #56, wherein; "Allowing to this case the weight which is due to it, and comparing it with the House of Representatives as above explained, it seems to give the fullest assurance that A REPRESENTATIVE FOR EVERY THIRTY THOUSAND INHABITANTS will render the latter both a safe and competent guardian of the interests which will be confided to it."
In addition, it must be taken into consideration, that which the Founding Fathers were protecting against in drafting this restriction. It was intended that this ratio of 1/30,000 be adhered to "as near as is practicable". It was also intended that this rational number, 1/30,000 should not vary UP OR DOWN! Why? If you extrapolate to the extreme in EITHER DIRECTION you will see why.
Here's a graph that will illustrate this comparison;
(Pure Dictatorship) (Representative Republic) (Democracy)
1/infinity <--------------1/761,000--------------- 1/30,000 ------------------------------->1/1
(Current Average)
If one exceeds that number in one direction one gets a ratio of 1/1. This translates as one Representative in the House for every inhabitant, that being HIM or HERSELF! This a COMPLETELY UNDESIRABLE form of government. This is a PURE DEMOCRACY, (Mob Rule). This was obviously not the intent of the founding, as we are guaranteed "a Republican form of Government." in Article IV, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution.
If one exceeds the ratio of 1/30,000 in the other direction, one gets 1/infinity. This translates to one Representative for EVERYONE. This is a PURE DICTATORSHIP, as can be seen in countries like North Korea, where one person, (Kim Jong-Un), speaks for the entire country. This is also a COMPLETELY UNDESIRABLE form of government. This too, was and is to be avoided at all cost.
So, since they were not only trying to create a Representative Republic, but also trying to avoid a Pure Democracy AND/OR a Pure Dictatorship, it was decided that A FIXED RATIO (1/30,000), would be set in stone in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. That ratio was set at "a Representative for every thirty thousand inhabitants", as explained in Federalist #56.
Therefore, it is now obvious to any reasonable individual, that "shall not exceed" is to be STRICTLY INTERPRETED as "SHALL NOT MOVE IN EITHER DIRECTION". There is no ambiguity in this requirement.
If you claim to be in compliance with your Oath of Office, it is now required of you to follow the restrictions of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. This means that with a population of 13,011,844 people, the State of Pennsylvania would now qualify for 434 seats in the House of Representatives. With the official data indicating apportionment of only 17 seats, there would now be a deficit of 417 vacant seats in the Pennsylvania Congressional House.
Therefore, the State legislature is immediately required to "issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies." Your response IS REQUIRED. Compliance with these requirements is not optional or subject to the unconstitutional Reapportionment Act of 1929. The requirement to fill these vacancies is subject only to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 and Article I, Section 2, Clause 4, of the Constitution for the united States of America.
This letter should be treated as an official notice to you to perform under your Oath of Office. The people's voice MUST be properly represented in Congress. This is not only proper, but is REQUIRED BY LAW! "The number of Representatives SHALL NOT EXCEED one for every thirty Thousand,..". If this requirement is not complied with, the House of Representatives will be in violation and without a quorum. This is an unacceptable condition which you MUST now move to correct. Pennsylvania Legislature is now REQUIRED to issue 417 writs of Election to fill these Vacancies.
Sincerely, Your Constituent,
I have asked before, but I will ask again. If Article six contains the supremacy clause, which clearly states that no law can supercede the constitution in these United States and since Marbury vs Madison has confirmed that to be true as well as several other examples.... How can the apportionment act of 1929 NOT be Null and Void? The apportionment act uses Democrat logic to suggest that the Founders should have created a maximun number of Representatives and therefore someone took it upon his own thinking to set that number at 435. How can this be legal? How is this law allowed and why is it not null and void? Will someone please clarify this for me?
No clarification necessary. There is no reason why. It should be declared null and void for being in violation of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. Period!
Here's the Table they think we're going to settle for. -
that table certainly does indicate the lack of representation. In my case I have to share my Representative with 746,710.6 other people. It's no wonder he doesn't bother to take time to speak with me.