The Broken Electoral College

George Washington was not elected by the majority of the 3 million people living in the 11 states that had ratified the already ratified the Constitution, He was elected by 69 electors that had been chosen by the legislatures of the states   

One elector was chosen to represent a each of the 47 Congressional Districts and 2 additional electors were chosen at large to represent the states.

The electors were the men considered to be the most qualified to vote for and behalf of the people in their Congressional District,

The first 69 electors were men who had served as elected officials before the ratification of the Constitution. Many of them had been signers of the Declaration of Independence and had fought in the Revolutionary War,

They  were chosen to  prevent a nation consisting of millions of uneducated and uniformed voters from choosing who would be President.

After tge election of 1824, the electors were no longer chosen to represent individual districts, they were chosen to represent the popular will of the majority,

Sometime after the election of Andrew Jackson political  parties emerges and electors began to be chosen by the political parties, rather than the being elected by the people.

By choosing electors on a statewide basis, the method of allocating electoral votes gave all of the electoral votes to the candidate who won the state's popular vote.

This winner take all system  gives all of the votes to the winning the most votes while completely disenfranchising  all of the other candidates,

The wisest man are no longer representing the people as electors, instead the electors are chosen by the political parties,

According to the Constitution electors the legislatures of the states have the responsibility to decide how the electors in their states shall be chosen, The states can not lawfully transfer this authority to the political parties.

The Presidential election is held in 438 Congressional Districts and each district in entitled to 1 vote and each state is entitled to 2 additional votes to represent states at large.

The Direct Election of Senators
Has Opened the Door to Organized Crime

The government created by the Constitution has become a gigantic crime syndiate where the Wall Street Corporation and financial institutions have seized control and are exploiting the people.

Until we take the money out of politics we will
continue to be governed by the financial elite.


Click on the Open Secrets banner and then click
on your state in the upper right hand side of the page

Click on the image to discover how much it costs to buy a seat in Congret
Cost of Senatorial Campaigns
1. Texas Senate $125,047,648
2. Florida Senate $114,348,176
3. New Jersey Senate $52,146,561
4. Missouri Senate $51,568,832
5. Arizona Senate $49,371,804
6. Indiana Senate $43,064,931
7. Nevada Senate $40,475,936
8. Wisconsin Senate $39,934,701
9. Massachusetts Senate $38,308,772
10. Ohio Senate $36,891,613
Senate Incumbents -  Out of State Donations
Name Total Pct of Total**
Doug Jones (D-AL) $16,013,991 83.9%
Claire McCaskill (D-MO) $15,552,259 60.5%
Sherrod Brown (D-OH) $10,123,720 46.0%
Jon Tester (D-MT) $9,880,525 78.5%
Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) $8,603,470 72.2%
Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) $8,387,853 60.7%
Bob Casey (D-PA) $6,895,237 39.0%
Tim Kaine (D-VA) $6,510,604 65.0%
Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) $5,866,285 91.6%
Bill Nelson (D-FL) $5,741,538 44.1%

73% of the money raised to elect
Diane Feinstein came from out of state donaor

Check Out Cost of Getting Elected to Congress fromYour State

Take the Money Out of Politics

In order to create a more perfect union we need to take the money out of politics and get rid of political parties, The Wall Street Bankers and their lawyers now control the political parties and all of the candidates. The Presidency and the seats in Congress are purchased by an oligarchy of rich and powerful individuals and corporations.

In a republican form of government the President is supposed to be elected by electors who are chosen by the people in each of the Congressional Districts,

By abolishing the political parties the 538 Presidential electors have a convention to elect the President. The hundreds of millions of dollars spent by candidates to get elected would be eliminated and best candidate would emerge victorious. 

If the elector in each Congressional District were to nominate 3 candidates to represent their district and the people could hold a election to fill their seat in the House of Representatives.

The electors could be current or former members of their state legislature or retired U.S. Congressmen or women.

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