For a long time I have been trying to teach the Constitution to kids, when I should have been focusing on teaching the teachers. The public school teachers are not being taught the principles of the Constitution and are compelled to only teach the government approved curriculum.
The Colleges and Universities promote the idea that we are a democracy and that we are governed by the will of the majority. The teachers are taught to deliver curriculum rather than on teaching their students how to think for themselves.
Students are taught to connect the dots that they are given and always color inside of the lines. They are taught to always obey the rules and to never question authority.
In order to educate our children we must first teach the teachers. When our teachers are being trained to promote s of socialism rather than the principles upon which our nation was founded
Teachers are expected to teach pre-teens how to put a condom on a banana and how boys and girls should share the same bathrooms.
Teachers are required to take classes on LGBT issues, why not require them to take a course in Constitutional Studies and how to respect the lives, liberty and property of our neighbors?