If we were to abandon the Electoral College we would no longer have a republican form of government, we would create a system where the will of the majority could trample on the rights of a minority.
It was not the intention of the founding fathers to have state-wide popular elections for President. There were only 69 electors from ten states that elected George Washington and only six states even had state-wide popular elections.
It was not until the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 did all of the states conduct state-wide popularity contests, In the election of 1824 only 11 of the 24 states had popular elections and only 365,833 people actually voted.
In the election of 1828 only Delaware and South Carolina were the only two states that did not have a state-wide popularity contest and 1,153,,799 people in the other 22 states actually voted in the election.
Instead of having 158 million largely ignorant and uninformed voters elect the President we should let 538 highly qualified electors choose our President.
The Electoral College was created to prevent a potential tyranny of a majority and the state-wide popular elections and the winner take all system of allocating electoral votes,
By requiring that every Congressional Districts to have its own elector we can have elections in 438 districts and eliminate the necessity of having state-wide popular elections.
The idea that an elector must vote according to the will of the majority of voters in his or her state would promote the tyranny of the majority.
The Constitution grants to the states the authority to choose how the electors in their states shall be chosen, but does not give the state the authority to compel the electors to vote for the winner of state-wide popular vote.