The Constitution for the united States was signed on September 17, 1787. It was the document that created a government for the former British colonies in North America. The Constitution was essentially a document that set the ground rules for the new government.
The states wanted a government that would be strong enough to defend the new country from foreign invasions and to protect the natural rights of the people. The authors of the Constitution delegated only a powers that were well defined in order to prevent the abuse of power,
Powers not granted to central governments were retained by the states.
George Washington likened government to a forest fire when he stated "Government is a fearful master and a dangerous servant.
From the very beginning there were men who conspired to seize the power delegated to the new government. These men identified themselves as Federalists. They favored a much bigger and stronger central government. The men who opposed the ratification of the Constitution feared the central government had been too much power. They felt that the government created to protect the people would ultimately use their political power to abuse the rights of the people they were elected to protect.
It is doubtful that the Constitution would ever had been ratified with a Bill of Rights
In the organic Constitution the central government was only to have jurisdiction in an area not to exceed 10 mile square in an area known as the District of Columbia. The people and the states were to be the master and the central government was to be their servant. This relationship was established to prevent the central government from becoming what it is today.
Things began to change with the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, At that time, people were citizens of their state, but after its ratification some Americans became citizens of the UNITE STATES. In stated that people born in the UNITED STATES and subject to its jurisdiction were henceforth considered citizens of the UNITED STATES.
Under the organic Constitution, the only people who were subject to the jurisdiction were the people who lived in the District of Columbia. Everyone living outside of the of Washington D.C. was sovereing and not subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal government.
Government employees were also subject to the jurisdiction of the government as well as anyone else who entered in to adhesion contracts with the government of the UNITED STATES. Most of the people living in the UNITED STATES without the knowledge have been tricked into become citizens of the UNITED STATES.
When applying for a birth certificate, a social security card, a driver's license, a passport. a bank account or when you register to vote you must certify you are a citizen of the UNITED STATES. With the stroke of a pen you just became a Fourteenth Amendment citizen,