I believe that one of our most fundamental rights is the right to defend ourselves from individuals that would threaten our lives, liberty or property.
When you take a gun away from law abiding citizens you make it easier for criminals to commit crimes. Do advocates ol strict gun control have evidence that supports their premise that communities are safer where gun ownership is banned.
There is a mountain of evidence that the cities with the most crimes are those where the victims are denied the right to protect themselves.
Every day, 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes on average. In 2010, 10,228 people died in drunk driving crashes – one every 52 minutes – and 345,000 were injured. In 2010, people killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes accounted for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths.
The solution is not to ban automobiles, it is to punish those who turn innocent people into victims,
Rather than seeking take from people the right to use a gun to protect themselves, we should seek to disarm those who would use guns to commit crimes.
Anyone using a gun in the commission of a crime should be incarcerated for a minimum of ten years on their first offense and twenty years for each subsequent violation.
The problems is not the ownership of guns, it is the abuse of guns by criminals.