Fixing a Broken System

If the United States was a Democracy the President would be chosen by the will of the majority, but the united States is not a democracy. The united States is a union of 50 sovereign Republics. 

Each state is supposed to have one Congressional Representative for every 30,000 inhabitants and two Senators. Wyoming which currently has 1 representative and 2 senators should have 20 Representatives and 2 Senators and California should have 1,333 representatives and 2 senators.

Each state is supposed to be apportioned 1 elector for every Congressman, plus 2 additional electors for the state's 2 Senators. This number should be based on "one for every thirty Thousand" inhabitants.

The states have the Constitutional authority to choose the method of selecting their electors and 48 states have decided to award all of the state's electoral votes to the candidate who receives the majority of the popular votes. This winner take all violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

Only in Nebraska and Maine do each of the candidates receive a portion of the states' electoral votes based on the proportion of popular votes they receive. For example, a candidate receiving 60% of the popular vote would receive 60% of the state's electoral votes and the candidate receiving 40% of the popular vote would receive 40% of the state's electoral votes.

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