Just like dairy cows that get squeezed every day, the tax payers in the United States know exactly how they feel. We are like sheep being sheared. Taxes are a form of tribute being collected by government agents who are masquerading as our servants.
Taking the property that belongs to another without their consent is theft and is against the law. If you or I take someone else's property, we have committed a crime, but when the government takes our property without our consent they are simply redistributing the wealth of the most productive members of society.
To pursue happiness, we must have the freedom to acquire personal property without governmental interference. The right to own and control one's personal property is one of our most fundamental rights
The founders believed that it was a self evident that all men were created equal and were endowed with a set of God given rights. The powers granted to the government are enumerated in Article I Section 8, in Article I Section 2 Clause 3
Congress was granted the authority to tax the states, "Taxation and representation shall be apportioned among the states according to their population."
The Constitution does not grant to the Federal government the authority to tax the people directly. If was original intent of our founders to limit the potential abuse of power by the national government by limiting its power to tax the people directly.
It is the responsibility of the states to tax the people. Each state will be taxed according to their respective populations. With the fraudulent passage of the 16th Amendment the government began violating the Constitution by imposing a direct unapportioned tax on the people,I
John Marshall, who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for 30 years once said "The power to tax is the power to destroy".
Congress has abused the power to tax and in the process they have turned the American people in to debt slaves. Only by a strict interpretation of the Constitution can the rights of the people be secure.