Who Were the 69 Men
Who Elected George Washington?
Click George Washington's Face to Access His Farewell Address
Only 43,782 people voted in the Presidential election of George Washington in 1788 and only 28,579 voted to re-elect him in 1792.
The reason that so few people voted is because they understood that their vote would not be counted for the purpose of electing the President. The eligible voters understood that 69 Presidential electors would decide who would be the President.
George Washington was not elected by the 3,929,214 people living in the United States, he was elected by 69 Presidential electors.
Many of the first 69 electors chosen to elect our first President were the same men who signed the Declaration of Independence and helped to write the Constitution. They did not trust the people at large with the power to elect the President. They created what is known as the electoral college in order to prevent the uneducated masses from having the power to elect the President.
Our system of electing a President has become a corrupt because the bankers and Wall Street corporations have turned the Electoral College into a body of partisan politicians who take their marching orders from the bankers and the Wall Street corporations.
The seats and in Congress and the Oval Office are now purchased and we the people are now being exploited by those we have elected to serve us.
A large pool of ignorant and uninformed voters makes it easy for the bankers and Wall Street corporations to deceive the people and lead them into captivity.
The states have allowed political parties to choose loyal members of their party to serve as electors.
I believe the states should put an end to partisan politics and conduct non partisan elections in every Congressional District every two years to elect their Presidential Elector.
What if each of the members of the Electoral College were chosen by the people in each of the Congressional Districts?
What if the elections were non-partisan and electors represented the people rather than a political party?
States have both urban and rural areas and this proposed model would provide the people in all of the districts to be represented in the Electoral College.
The current system favors the urban districts over the rural districts