If you have been a been a life time member of the Republican or Democratic Parties it is time for you to stop supporting the financial elite who control politics
The wealthiest Americans have created corporation so they can funnel money into political parties in order to purchase the loyalty of political candidates. This in relationship is nothing more than a money laundering operation.
As long as Congress continues to be represented by agents of the bankers, lobbyists, lawyers and politicians if will continue to be exploited for the benefit of the financial elite.
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson indicated that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. By remaining silent we have given our consent to the financial elite to control politics in the United States.
We can withdraw our consent by refusing to register for a political party and by making a commitment not to vote for candidates with a political party affiliation.
When you vote for a Republican or a Democrat you are giving you consent to be governed by lawyers, bankers and corrupt politicians.