Of all of the powers granted to Congress the most potential dangerous was the power to tax. The framers of the Constitution understood that "The power to tax involves the power to destroy". Taxation is nothing more that legal plunder by the government.
In order to prevent the national government from abusing this power, they granted the government to authority to only tax the states, but not the people. Not until the fraudulent ratification of the
Sixteenth Amendment. did the Federal government begin to tax the people directly. Ever since that tragic day in 1913 the Wall Street bankers and corporations have seized control of our government.
Article I Section 2 Clause 3 mandates that all Federal taxes were to be indirect tax apportioned to the states based on their respective populations. The income tax is unconstitutional because it is a direct tax and it is not apportioned according to the provisions in Article I
The founders who opposed the ratification of he Constitution feared that in the document the seeds for crime and corruption were sown. Their fears were realized and their dreams for a government that would be the guardians of our liberty were destroyed.
Those that we have elected to serve us have deliberately violated their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
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