As long as the people remain silent, there will always be those who will seek to exploit the masses. At birth we were endowed by our Creator will certain God given rights which included the right to life, liberty and property.
This rich and powerful cabal are intent on redistributing our wealth into their pockets.They control those who write the law, those who interpret the laws and those who enforce the laws. They also control the issuance of our money.
If we were playing in a game of chess, we would find ourselves on the verge of being check mated. Being law abiding citizens we comply with their laws while they completely ignore the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land.
How long would you continue to play cards in a casino that you knew was playing with a stacked deck.I believe the time has come for us to follow the advice given by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence
said "A nation that wants to remain ignorant and free expects what never was and never will be/" The first step in the restoration of America is educate ourselves on the principles of liberty. We need obey the laws which are just and refuse to comply with those that are not.We must become modern day Paul Reveres and warn our friends, neighbors and countrymen.
Individually we are weak, but collectively we have the power to turn the tables on those who exploit is. You can choose to be a part of the problem or a part of the solution. Representation is the key to restoring power to the people.By reducing the size of our Congressional Districts as proposed in the original First Amendment each Congressman would represent no more than 50,000 people.
The ratification of this amendment wold take the significantly reduce the power of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and transfer that power to the people. It is not possible for one representative to adequately represent over 700,000 people. Instead of listening to his constituents, Congressmen listen to the bankers, lawyers and lobbyists who congregate in Washington D.C.
With all of the political power vested in 435 Congressmen the voice of the people is not heard and the best way to empower the people is to reduce the size of the Congressional Districts.
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