Two Nations - Better Than One
The United States of America has been conquered. We have been divided into Two Separate Nations, competing for political status and in the end, actually defeating one another. There are those who believe in individualism and there are others who would put their safety in the hands of a group.
The Individualists believe in the principle that people, (even in organized groups), are best served, when left to rule over themselves and do so without infringing upon the rights of others or committing crimes. They believe it's the government's role to protect the right of individualism.
These individualists follow Thomas Jefferson and a strict interpretation of the Constitution; less spending, lower taxes and true capitalism. They are people who will listen to their conscience, do what's right and not just blindly follow orders. They are fully aware of the fact that we are a Republic.
The leftist, Socialists however, think we should be ruled by an oligarchy of smarter and wiser men who know what is best for us. These people are closely aligned with the ignorant and short-sighted thinking of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels and like those two, would be happy to have the government do virtually everything for them.
The Marxists believe that the United States is a democracy. These Democratites, (those who think we live in a Democracy), believe in funding never-ending wars of aggression. They favor Crony Capitalism, Taxation and Legalized Plunder. They also believe taxation is a form of charity. "Force is not Charity."
I believe it's time for Texas to secede from the United States and form a new country and invite all of the other states who share their values to join them.
I also believe that California should secede, form a blue state and invite all the other predominately liberal states to join them.
If individuals are unhappy with their location, they could simply move to a state that aligns with their thinking.
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