The men who signed the Declaration of Independence agreed that all men were created equal and that they were endowed with certain unalienable rights which included the right life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
This foundation remained intact until the Fourteenth Amendment was fraudulently ratified i 1868. Up until that time the people were considered citizens of the states where they lived. Their allegiance was to their state and they were sovereign.
In 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment made the people of the states subject to the jurisdiction of the National government and converted their unalienable rights in to privileges,
The amendment reads "all persons born in the United States and subject the jurisdiction of the United States is a citizen of the United States and the state where they reside."
According the the provisions in Article I Section 8 Clause 17 the jurisdiction of the Federal government was not to exceed ten miles square. In other words the government of the United States had no jurisdiction within the borders of any of the states.
The people who were subject to the jurisdiction under the organic Constitution were government employees and people who lived within the ten mile square District of Columbia.
Everyone outside of their jurisdiction can volunteer to become a citizen of the UNITED STATES by contracting with the corporate UNITED STATES.
Birth certificates, social security cards, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, bank accounts and your passport and voter registration card are all evidence that you are in fact a citizen of the UNITED STATES and subject to its jurisdiction. When you sign these documents you certify that you are a citizen of the UNITED STATES
In addition to being a citizen of the UNITED STATES you are also an employee. Here is a sample of your employee identification card.
Social Security is Unconstitutional
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