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Social "Security"

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Social "Security"


Here’s some interesting facts few of us have ever seen. It involves YOUR MONEY. So here is a small intro to:

The Social Security Act (Act of August 14, 1935)

[H. R. 7260]

Short Title

An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by enabling the several States to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the

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Divide and Conquer

8575441065?profile=originalOne of the strategies of the ruling class is to divide the people into disparate groups that are easily identifiable. Groups like young and old, male and female, black and white, Jew and non-Jew. They will then be easily manipulated to fight among themselves instead of focusing on the real enemy.

President Obama is determined to create a total collapse of the United States in order to rebuild America into what he believes it should be. He’s trying to create the chaos of anarchy. Then, when the fr

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Posted by Morton IX

8575440486?profile=originalIn my studied opinion, it is way past time to “Go Galt”. Here are some of the things we can do.

Pull your kids out of public school and stop watching that idiot box. Close all of your bank accounts. Pay off every loan you can. STOP filing tax forms and “voluntarily” giving away the farm. Stop allowing your “Employer” to tell you what forms to sign and file concerning YOUR government interactions. Immediately file a W-8-BEN.

Stop “voluntarily” paying income

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Fixing what's broke in our government!

What no Democrat or Republican will admit needs to be done or how to do it!

In listening to the latest back and forth from both sides with the Democrats lying and the GOP responding, it is obvious that neither side of this equation is willing or equipped to put forth the plan that we need to stop the progressive socialist utopian destruction of America. I have shown that since the "Great Society" legislation of 1965 the government has grown  464.4%  from  411 federal agencies and offices to 1909

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Greetings everyone.  Please take 5 minutes to read this email.  5 minutes of your life to help restore the Constitutional republic as guaranteed in Article IV Section 4 of the United States Constitution as ratified in 1791.   


This is Wolf, most of you know me and my fight for the restoration of the Constitutional republic of America.  


Below are two major issues that I want to bring to your attention.   Please take the time to understand that our republic is in jeopardy and that if we do not ac

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Rough Men Stand Ready to Kill You in Your Bed

This is word for word what  William N  Grigg, the editor of the Pro Liberate gave to me and I am passing it on to you. I reported this to my Sheriff in Idaho County and asked him why this kind of action by the law enforcement community has become so common? The American people are concerned by the abuse of power by those that are supposed to be protecting our rights.
There were photos, but deleted them as I did not want to add addition fuel to the fire
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Is this thing on?

I am sitting here trying to understand why the 41% plus of Americans that publicly identify themselves as Conservative are still supporting a political system that has……..short of shooting us down in the streets…….completely attacked and or violated every single moral, ethical, legal, religious or political value we treasure.

If the last 12 months have not demonstrated that we are living the nightmare of a 2 party political reign of terror, created by a ruling class, that has usu

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The 2nd. Amendment is the cornerstone upon which all of our other freedoms and liberties are protected and reinforced. Without it, the rest are just hollow words with no way of enforcing them except trough legal action which is and will always be violated by those that do not prescribe to the law.

There are only 2 methods to get anyone to take action, reason and force and if you cannot force me to act then you must reason me with your argument. The progressive socialists have been manipulating a

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