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Barterville USA


Promoting Peace, Prosperity and Freedom

If there was a community of liberty minded individuals that were motivated by love and where the people be free from the debt, would you like to live there?

This community would function without Federal Reserve Notes and cit virtually everything you need could be acquired via a system of barter.

A man with a garden could trade his pt tomatoes with another man's apples. A man with chickens could trade his eggs for loaves of bread.

A person needing medical

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1913 Was a Very Bad Year

The Death of the Republic

Woodrow Wilson

A bicameral legislature was established as the result of a Great Compromise that created two legislative houses with two different constituencies. This model created a system of checks and balances that helps to guarantee that the rights of the people will be protected against the tyranny of a majority or a minority.

The House of Representatives was created to give a voice to the people in all of the states and the Senate was a second house created to give the states a

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Nullification of the Federal Reserve


There was a time in our country's history when it was a crime to debase our currency or counterfeit our money. Congress was charged with protecting against such abuses.

That's why it says in;

Article I, Section 8,

"(Clause 5) Congress shall have the power to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof and of foreign Coin,..(Clause 6) and to provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current coin of the United States;". 

With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 however

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A Woman's Right to Choose


Dies a woman have a right to choose? The answer is a resounding yes but there are some limitations. A woman has a right to choose to do whatever she wants as long as her decision does not cause harm to another human being.

A woman does not have a right to lie, cheat or steal and she does not have a right to terminate the life of her husband or the life of her unborn baby. A baby is not a wart of a tumor that she can have surgically removed. The unborn  baby is a future human being that has the

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p style="text-align: center;">Click on the following image

Today, we refer to the National government as the Federal government which is an inaccurate description of who they are and what they are supposed to do. A Federal government is one where the political power is divided between the states and the national government. In a Federal government the states have nearly limitless power and the National government  has a short list of delegated powers.

The role of the states is protect the peopl

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In a state with a republican form of government, as demanded in the Constitution each county would be equally represented in their state legislature. Florida does not have a bicameral legislature anymore , they should have one house representing the people and one house representing the counties. Florida as a two legislative houses representing the people and no legislative house representing the counties.

In order to prevent the tyranny of the majority, our founding fathers created a bicameral

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An Unholy Alliance


Funding the Government Without Taxing the People

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An unholy alliance between the government of the United States and the London Bankers has led to perpetual wars and human bondage. The establishment of a central banking system has enabled the financial elite to turn the people into debt slaves and the owners of the bank into billionaires. 


Debt is the friend of the lenders and the enemy of the borrower. The borrower is always the slave to the lender and governmen

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If I Ran for Congress


If I Ran for Congress

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If I were to run for Congress, I would only serve one term, (government should be service, not a career). I would represent the people, NOT a political party or the Wall Street bankers. All of my votes in the House would support individual liberty and the Constitution.

While all of the other Congressmen and women would be busy spending a large portion of their time scrambli

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How to End the FED

If Congress authorized the U.S. Treasury to issue $1,000,000,000,000 (One trillion dollars) and then used the money to fix our roads, bridges,dams levees, they could move money into circulation without having to borrow a single dime.

We could issue the money to fund the education of college students and eliminate most of the borrowing that is currently being used to fund their college education.

The money could be used to house the homeless and/or feed the hungry, help people pay off their mortg

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Competition or Cooperation?


Greed motivates unethical men and women to develop a win at all cost mentality. Rather than competition on a level playing field they seek to do whatever is necessary for them to acquire as much as they can for their own personal benefit. Individuals motivated by greed love money more than they love their neighbors.

When individuals compete on a level playing field the quantity and quality of the goods and services are enhanced, but when some individuals are provided with unfair advantages bot

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Wjo Owns Your Body

A 4th of July Message for America

Who owns your body?

On July 11, 2019, in Dr. Dan Updates, by FreedomForum

Who owns your body?

If asked this question, most of us would quickly shout, “I do. I own my own body.” And YES, you would be correct. Each of us owns his or her own body. It is a direct  from God, and along with it comes the complete package – Natural Law Rights that are divine in origin.

If we ask this question from an historical perspective, however, regardless of your beliefs and G

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