This is one of the biggest questions of this current period that would provide a great opportunity to the world community to explore beyond their faith and belief following both religious and scientific insight to secure the morality and safety of future generation. But we have already separated the existence of God in mazes of religious definitions, and ignored the true facts of the religions that navigating our life towards heaven or hell.
Faith of an individual person evolves on basis of their inherited system of thoughts and genetic nature, within a tendency to fulfill the terrestrial desires. It is the genetic nature of mankind that forces them to utilize whatever they have innovated to secure their own physical world, eliminating the real potential of spiritual graces. At this rising period of science (mind), the sacred potential of theism (spirit) has fallen down bellow to its dangerous abyss. Thus all the leading religious thinkers will have to understand the excellence of this big question and bring all the religious definitions in one idea for the perpetuation of the basis of peace and solidarity as we do all need for the success of United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.
Regarding this issue there are large possibilities for the world literate community to bring all the religious group and non religious group together by revealing the philanthropic aspects of this big question as a principal of “New spiritual information”.
According to both scientific and professional points of view in one idea, our religious tenets and definitions are the basis of our faith, it is potential enough to civilize the existence of human beings on basis of peace and humanity, but the origin (incarnations) of religions are based on its contemporary needs, which is now existing as invisible boundaries separating our existence according to our inherited system of thoughts. Whenever our genetic nature had tried to evolve beyond the natural process, it always crippled the verve of religious definitions, creating the basis of war.
Further more our steady belief or faith, that unable to obtain the terrestrial bliss from religious teachings and spiritual graces has emerged as non religious groups following the potential of science (mind) after neglecting the graces of theism (spirit).
Within these circumstances to achieve the graces from religious freedom and peace, the world community needs an exploration following both scientific and spiritual insight, to unify all our religious teachings in one idea, to uproot the basis of religious conflicts, without disgracing the faith of any mankind. Though we have lots of religious groups and organizations leading us on path to peace according to its fame, excellence and generosity, but the separation of their principal for God revelation and exploration are the obstacles for the theists seeking religious freedom for the betterment of all humanity worldwide .
Presently dubiety's from several religious definitions that emerged from political complexities and communal conflicts, will never equate the non religious groups to work beyond their premeditated tenets. Thus its the time to explore within the true facts, for our leadership in ministry and religious thinkers, as we do need to equip all the religious complexities within one idea for religious freedom in actual fact. Thereafter it will help the world leadership to approach all the religious and non religious groups for religious freedom and perpetuation of peace and solidarity to sustain the basis for professional success.
Though the definitions and languages of all our religious and non religious groups are quite different from each other, but their meaning is based on a single view and that is mostly dedicated to achieve the terrestrial bliss among the rot of massacre or masked behind the fame of philanthropy. If the true facts of all our religions are framed in one idea in form of literature according only to its philanthropic points of view, there would be an opportunity for all religious followers to stand together for what we mean by religious freedom.
Now let us reveal the real obstacle on path to religious freedom for any purpose. In fact it had been always lethal to write or address straightaway in favor or against the institutionalized faith of human being that divided by several religious and political strictures. So how we can implement the idea for religious freedom or for the safety of religious site worldwide?
There is no doubt, it’s an aspect of literature which even exists as Holy books that enthralls our mind and spirit right up from our childhood creating the basis of our faith according to our culture, norms and philosophical tradition.
We have already designed the said aspect of literature to approach all religious instructors and political or professional leadership to sustain the basis for religious freedom without disgracing the faith of any humankind and it is what we do need to ensure the safety of religious site. Presently it is not possible for science insight or any individual religious definitions to reach a unanimous conclusion and equip our understanding of the realities of human nature and its physical world, which might evolve our morality and faith to change our inherited system of thought and genetic nature according to the basic needs of this current period and for the betterment of our future generation as well.
Thanks for the time and review and i would be glad to represent the said aspect of literature if needed.