We are instructed in the Scriptures to 'come out of Babylon' so that we do not suffer her plagues (and punishments). One way, as we see it, is to build communities of like-minded believers who wish to live according to His Law, rather than the arbitrary rules of evil men. Today we are governed by a kakistocracy, wouldn't you rather live with folks who respect the natural order of things, and are self reliant? Any suggestions on how to proceed are welcome. We have a group looking into setting up a community in the near future here in central Florida.

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  • The community will consist of groups consisting of ten families, Each of the groups will choose a leader who will re responsible to settle disputes between members of the group.

    If the total community consisted of ten different group the leader of each of the ten groups would be members of a council of elders that would settle disputes that could not be resolved at the group level.

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