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Welcome To Constitutional Sheriffs, Stanly County Group

As a 6th generation American, I am fortunate and proud to have in my ancestry, individuals who were active in the original American Revolution, out of which came this great nation. Being of lineage from the great state of North Carolina, I also have ancestors who were involved in the conflict between the Union and the Confederacy. Unlike most contemporary history would like to portray, this conflict was an economical as well as a cultural conflict, very similar to what we have brewing today.

I also have more contemporary ancestry who fought and bled in both world wars, preserving the ideology of individual and collective freedom vs totalitarian tyranny. I have dreaded the events that are transpiring today for many years, but they have finally arrived. I can no more accept the rule and dictatorial actions of today's would be Elitist Supremacists than my fore fathers could. I believe that our Almighty God, in whose image we have all been created, endowed each of us with dignity, self determination, and talents which define who we are as individuals. It was meant for all of us, as brethren in the human species, to use our endowments to our betterment, as well as the betterment of our brothers and sisters. It pains me to see those who would inflict their desire to suage the egos by glorifying themselves above all others and working to place humanity under their control, and subject to their desires.

I know in my heart that the founders of this great nation were divinely inspired, and men of humble character. They attempted to establish a form of government which lent itself to orderly and just directives for each member of society to pursue their own direction, all the while not infringing on one another. They established a form of self governance by the members of a just and compassionate society. I believe this is much the system we will enjoy in a life beyond the one we enjoy today. The difference being, it will have at its head a judge and arbiter who will judge us by the works in this life, as to whether we will enjoy a place in that society.

I believe we are being so judged today, by where we stand in the conflict that is upon us. I firmly attest that I stand with what I believe to be the divine form of Constitutional government I was blessed to be born into. We are to protect this institution, and spread it around the world to our brethren that have not been so blessed. As such, we are charged with a special mission, as select individuals who God Almighty chose to carry his plan forth, and has faith in us that we will. Who am I, to question that faith, or fall from it? I will stand firmly for this duty, before my fellow man, and my God, for I alone have the choice to stand or fall. I choose to stand.

William H. Flake II

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