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Broken Promises


Politicians are really  good at making promises, but rarely keep them. kept. They tell the voters what they think they want to hear, and then hope they will forget after the candidate is elected.

Politicians who break their promises violate the sacred trust of their constituents, but are rarely held accountable for lying to the public.

Perhaps the approval rating of Congress is so low is because the people don't feel their representatives can be trusted.

 Sadly the voters have short memories or

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Divide and Conquer


One of the oldest strategies that has been employed by the rulers is to get their subjects to wage war against each other. When distracted, the slaves are less likely to rebel against their masters. By keeping their subjects focused on fighting each other diabolic behavior will go unnoticed.

By getting groups of people such as the left versus the right, the rich versus the poor, men versus women, young versus the old, the Christians versus the Muslims creates a diversion that allows the rule

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Putting a Nail in Their Coffin


When casting a vote for a Republican or a Democrat, you are choosing the tyranny of a Democracy over the liberty found in a Republic. By voting for candidates representing either party, you are only voting for one form of cancer over another.

The two major political parties were created by the financial elite to control the government in order to redistribute the wealth of the "rich" to "benefit" the "poor".

Make no mistake about it, the men and women in Congress receive millions of dollars in

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Talk is Cheap

8575445255?profile=originalPractically everyone is complaining, but without taking action, nothing is going to change. I think that just about everybody is concerned about the abuse of power in our state and national governments.

The people need to come together and send a loud and clear message to our Congressmen and women that their careers are over if they fail to listen to the voice of the people.

When a Federal agency issues a new rule or regulation we need to collectively refuse to comply. We are subject to the laws

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Striking at the Root

8575448454?profile=originalContrary to what many people think, the Arabs in the Middle East are not the greatest threat to our national security. It is the 540 billionaires who own virtually everything that their money can buy.

They have purchased the services of all three branches of the Federal government as well as those at the city, county and state levels.

The billionaires established corporations which in turn funnel hundreds of millions of dollars in to political parties and candidates who will do their bidding.


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Gang of Thieves

A burglar that breaks in to your house and steals your valuable possessions is a criminal unless of course he is employed by the IRS.

8575445461?profile=originalAgents who have been authorized by Congress to steal your things are criminals, as well as those who hired them.

Congress claims to have the authority to steal your property if they feel it is necessary and proper. They feel that when stolen property is distributed to someone in need, that it is an act of charity.


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What is Wrong With Democracy?


If the decisions of government are based upon the will of the majority, the rights of the minority are always in jeopardy. If the rights of some are respected and the rights of others, are not, are we not witnessing the tyranny of the majority?

Democracies follow the philosophy that whatever is in favor of the greater good of the greater number should be the nation's political structure, for the people to be best served. This was the philosophy promoted by Karl Marx.

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What I Believe

Image result for republicanism

Those who align themselves with either the Republican or the Democratic Party may have good intentions, but they are both misguided.

I am not a member of either political party, but I am definitely a strong believer in the political and socioeconomic philosophies of Republicanism and I thoroughly reject the principles of a direct democracy.

I believe that the rights of the individual cannot be taken away by the whims of the majority.

I believe the following quotations will help explain it a li

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Puppets on a String


Candidates are like puppets on a string. The financial elite pay big money to get their candidates elected and then sit back and pull the strings to control their puppets.

We elect them, but it is the Wall Street bankers and corporations who  pull their strings.

Congress has become a gigantic crime syndicate where the agents of the bankers and the Wall Street corporations who masquerade as our servants while redistributing our wealth in to the pockets of the their political friends and allies.

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The Definition of Insanity

8575448078?profile=originalCalifornia keeps doing what it has been doing for generations and things just keep getting worse. Perhaps the time has come for us to make some fundamental changes in the way we do business.

In 1965 the state legislature voted to change the method of choosing state senators.  As a result of the Reynolds v Sims ruling in the Supreme Court , the state decided to apportion state senators based on population rather than county boundaries.

Prior to this change the urban counties controlled the state

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The Three Headed Monster

8575448287?profile=originalThe three branches of government which were created to protect the life, liberty and the property of the people and joined forces to enslave us. 

Our nation is in on thin ice. Those who we have elected have all taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, but it is obvious that they have not read or understood the proper role government.

The guardians of our liberty have become the agents of tyranny and are now the greatest threat to our peace, prosperity and freedom.


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Draining the Swamp


Killing mosquitoes one at a time doesn't work. Malaria was not eradicated until we drained the swamp. In order to end the corruption on Capitol Hill we must cut off the supply of flow of money that feeds the beast.

The solution may be easier than you think.When we elect career politicians instead of statesmen to serve in Congress we provide politicians with the opportunity to sell their votes to the highest bidder.

Our elected officials have become dependent on the donations they receive from W

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Government is Like a Forest Fire


George Washington was correct when he compared government with a forest fire. The larger the fire becomes the harder it is to control. Our government is out of control and is destroying rather than protecting our lives, liberty and property of the people

.Our government was created to be the guardian of our liberty , but become the greatest threat to liberty and prosperity. Like the trees in forest fire we are the ones getting burned.

Our servant has become our master and we are no longer sover

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The Principles of 1798


Delegates representing the states met in Philadelphia and drafted a Constitution to create a new government for the former British Colonies. They wanted to create a government that would protect the states from foreign invaders and to create a more peaceful and harmonious relationship between the states.

The authors of the Constitution wanted the states to be the masters and the national government to serve them. In order to prevent the abuse of power they delegated the the national government a

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The Man Who Changed Everything


In 1913, Woodrow Wilson laid the foundation for the tyranny we are experiencing America today. He revealed his political agenda when he stated that he wanted to make the world "safe of democracy."

With Wilson's support and the treasonous actions of a handful of Senators, the Federal Reserve Act was unconstitutionally passed on Dec. 23rd, 1913. This unlawfully shifted the delegated powers of Article I, Section 8, Clause 5; "To coin Money" and "regulate the Value thereof", to a privately owned ba

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Political Power Corrupts


Political power held in the hands of those who would use it to gain personally at the expense of their constituents are agents of political parties and the labor unions and special interest groups that prop them up. 

The men and women we have elected to serve us have been tempted by the financial elite sell their services to political parties, labor unions and special interest groups in exchange for wealth, power and prestige.

The political power that was supposed to wrest in the hands of the

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