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Abraham Lincoln's Hidden Agebda

91gMCdGjb%2BL.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710x Before the secession of the Southern States the United States consisted of 34 states that were the masters of and the National government was their servant.

Like the early Federalists, Lincoln wanted a much stronger central government than the one established in the Constitution. He knew that to in order to achieve his objective he would need to strip the states of their sovereignty.  a

In order to save the Union, he had to violate the Constitution and invaded the Confederate States. Lincoln ma

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United States Foreign Policy

For over 100 years the United States has been meddling in  the affairs and elections in at least 80 different countries. Why is it that it is right for us to interfere in foreign elections, but it is wrong for Russia to do the same?

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Hamilton was a British Agent


The Currency Act of 1764 was the primary cause of the American Revolution. Before King George and the British Parliament passed the Currency Act the colonies were prospering, but when they were forced to pay for all goods imported from England with gold and silver they were forced to borrow from the London bankers in order to pay for the everything they imported from England.

The reason that during the Revolutionary War the Colonial currency became worthless was because so much counterfeit curr

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A Republic in Name Only

Franklin-A-Republic-Featured-Image-620x264.png?profile=RESIZE_710xThe Democratic Republic of North Korea, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China and the United States of America all claim to be Republics, but in reality each is an oligarchy of international bankers.

In a Republican form of government the rights of the people are protected against the tyranny of the majority as well as the tyranny of a minority. 

In a Republic has been hijacked because the people have failed to defend the Constitution. Due to the apathy and negligence of

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Image result for gun control works

I believe that one of our most fundamental rights is the right to defend ourselves from individuals that would threaten our lives, liberty or property. 

When you take a gun away from law abiding citizens you make it easier for criminals to commit crimes. Do advocates ol strict gun control have evidence that supports their premise that communities are safer where gun ownership is banned.

There is a mountain of evidence that the cities with the most crimes are those where the victims are denied t

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images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKWgLoADtARdF8g2jO7ZwH5-i7IkXGhbjOi16m5AUJB-O4RuRf&width=500When a group of people join a mob, gang, union or political party, they  come together to to obtain privileges and bene for the members of their group.

These groups collectively vote for the candidate or political party that is willing to repay them for their votes with privileges and or immunities that are not available to everyone else.

Because of their numerical strength, they are able to transfer the wealth of their political opponents into their own pockets.

Despite what many believe, might

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Privileges and Immunities

Rights Versus Privileges

Responsibility Versus Immunities

If you live in a country that grants privileges and immunity to certain groups of individuals, you live in a democracy where equality and justice can not exist.

Any time an individual is given something of value from the government, it must first be taken away from someone else.

If people in one group are treated better than the people in another group, you live in a democracy.  Mobs, gangs, unions and political parties are groups that se

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Natural and Unnatural Laws

8575440871?profile=originalAll laws are either natural or unnatural. The laws of nature can not be violated without desasterous consequences. The natural laws are just and unnatural laws written by men are unjust. Natural laws protect the lives. liberty and property of  the people while the laws while man made laws benefit some at the expense of others.We have a moral obigation to obey the laws that are just and a responsibility to refuse to comply with laws that are unjust



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The Real Cause of the American Revolution


The Currency Act of 1764 was the primary cause of the American Revolution. Before King George and the British Parlimaent passed the Currency Act the colonies were prospering, but when they were forced to pay for all goods imported from England with gold and silver they were forced to borrow from the London bankers in order to pay for the everything they imported from England.

The reason that during the Revolutionary War the Colonial currency became worthless was because so much counterfeit curr

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Who Were We the People

The men who signed the Declaration affirmed that all men were created equal, but who were the men they were referring to? They knew that not all men were equal in intelligence and that some men were  bigger, stronger and faster than others, they all had the same rights and responsibilities.

The signers considered slaves to be property and were not entitled to the same rights as their owners.  Native Americans and women were not equal with white men as they could not vote, own property, hold elec

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In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence it begin with "WE hold these truths to be self evident". Who were the "We" ? All of those in attendance were white men and they said "All men are created equal" I think they meant all white men are created equal. They did not include slaves,indigenous people or women as as being the beneficiary of the inalienable rights. Since no one in any of these three classes could vote or own property they obviously were not initially endowed with t

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Sowing the Seeds of Tyranny

22730060_10208962490013362_8544529273505931006_n.jpg?oh=311b5dd2030e9bde9f6a6ad18631b2c5&oe=5AAF8342&width=360Image may contain: 5 people


To read the article on the dangers of democracy click on the banner


Socialism and Communism both lead lead the loss of individual liberty. The seeds of tyranny are sown in the fertile soil of democracy. With socialism the people vote to give away their liberty gradually over time when in  Communism the the people are compelled to surrender their God given rights. Communism is murder while Socialism is suicide.


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Competition Versus Cooperation


Greed motivate unethical men and women to develop a win at all cost attitude. Rather than competition on a level playing field they lie, cheat and steal to achieve their objectives. 

Ethical Competition improves the quality and reduces the price of goods and services . The government has a responsibility to prevent monopolies and unfair competition. Rather than punishing monopolies our government has provided certain corporations with bailouts and subsidies.

To gain financially at the expens

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Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots

8575443497?profile=originalMany of those who claim to be patriots are as described by Thomas Paine, summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. They support the cause of freedom with their lips but not with their hearts and with their wallets.

To restore our republic we need millions who are willing to make personal sacrifices of their time and money to be successful in our righteous endeavors.

Please support the Constitution Club  as well as the

Tenth Amendment Center and the Center for Self Governance.

Image result for like and share

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I Will Create a FREE Website for You

Build Your Own County Website

I will help you build your own county website for FREE! You can use the site to help educate and communicate with the people in your county. There will be a small monthly charge to the cost of hosting your website on the Constitution Club platform.

You will be totally in charge the content and you will decide who can join your county website. Your site will resemble facebook in many ways, but your website will focus on what is happening in your county.

I will provid

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