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Are You a Fourteenth Amendment Citizen?

The Constitution for the united States was signed on September 17, 1787. It was the document that created a government for the former British colonies in North America. The Constitution was essentially a document that set the ground rules for the new government. 

The states wanted a  government that would be strong enough to  defend the new country from foreign invasions and to protect the natural rights of the people. The authors of the Constitution delegated only a powers that were well  defin

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What Happened to Your Natural Rights?

8575442072?profile=original The men who signed the Declaration of Independence agreed that all men were created equal and that they were endowed with certain unalienable rights which included the right life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This foundation remained intact until the Fourteenth Amendment was fraudulently ratified i 1868. Up until that time the  people were considered citizens of the states where they lived. Their allegiance was  to their state and they were sovereign.

In 1868 the Fourteenth Amendment m

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Odor in the Court

8575446460?profile=originalYou have probably been taught in government schools that it is the job of the Supreme Court to determine what is and what is not Constitutional. Most likely you were also taught that the Justices are appointed for life.

Both of these presumption are false. The authority to interpret the Constitution was not delegated to the Supreme Court in Article III. The doctrine of Judicial Review was invented by Chief Justice John Marshall as the result of The Case of Marbury v Madison in 1803

While Judi

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Don't Give Up the Ship

21616130_10154646173960764_6220302568993154489_n.png?oh=fa5a1f613ae7f3d09c289d3c4a8b407e&oe=5A7A70A1&width=400People do not willingly give up their freedom unless they feel their lives are in danger. Governments that want to control their people must first make the people afraid. When they are afraid they are willing to give up their liberty in exchange for a little security. Isn't it convenient how our government is right there, ready with the solution that only the government can provide?

For hundreds of years, governments around the world have created crises in order to make their people afraid. When

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Do Not Give Your Consent to a Tyrant


One of the natural laws of the universe that was first identified by Sir Isaac Newton was the Law of Inertia.

The law states that a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a force. Congress has been moving at a rather steady pace in the direction of a cliff. Unless  acted upon by a force, Congress will continue taxing and spending us to death..
We the people are the force that is necessary to change the course of our nation. We can conti
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Our nation was founded on the principles of Natural Law.

The goal of our founders was to create a land the God given rights of the people would be secured by government that would secure the blessing of liberty to all future generations. The 

A Constitution was written in 1787 to limit the potential abuse of power by the government that they had just created. The states delegated to the central government a short list of enumerated powers and reserved all other powers to the states.

People from

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Turn Out the Lights the Party is Over


Two hundred and forty one years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote a document known as the Declaration of Independence where he very eloquently states the principles upon which our nation was founded. The question that needs to be asked has our government abused the power delegated to it in our Constitution. Has the time come that we the people need to alter or abolish our government as suggested in the following declaration ?


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

 Image result for declaration of independence banner


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Prostitutes on Capitol Hill

8575445655?profile=originalUnlike prostitutes who sell their bodies for cash, the members of Congress sell their votes to the Wall Street Bankers and corporate fat cats for filthy lucre. The lobbyists work for the financial elite and the pimps and it is we the people who are getting screwed.

Watch all 10 of the videos in the series.


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for the Constitution Club click on the help wanted banner.

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Building Bridges Instead of Walls


think that building bridges instead of walls is best way promote the principles of liberty. Bridges  Walls deny people of their freedom move from place to place. Walls are like fences that are used to control the movement of cattle and movement of people.

We don't need to build a wall, we simply need to  enforce the laws we already have.  The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the American Dream and building a wall on our southern border would completely negate the message of lady liberty.

I wo

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All Victims Must Have Flesh and Bones

8575441466?profile=originalIn order for a crime to take place, the rights of an individual with flesh and bones must be violated. Only humans have rights which can be violated. Corporations only have privileges granted to them by the people through government regulation. Cities, counties, states and even our national governments are corporations; i.e, legal fictions.

In order for an individual to be convicted of a crime, the injured party must testify in court that the person accused performed an act which violated their

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Taxation Involves the Power to Destroy

8575440653?profile=originalOf all of the powers granted to Congress the most potential dangerous was the power to tax. The framers of the Constitution understood that "The power to tax involves the power to destroy". Taxation is nothing more that legal plunder by the government.

In order to prevent the national government from abusing this power, they granted the government to authority to only tax the states, but not the people. Not until the fraudulent ratification of the
Sixteenth Amendment.
did the Federal  government

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Milk Cows on the Federal Dairy


Just like dairy cows that get squeezed every day, the tax payers in the United States know exactly how they feel. We are like sheep being sheared. Taxes are a form of tribute being collected by government agents who are masquerading as our servants.

Taking the property that belongs to another without their consent is theft and is against the law. If you or I take someone else's property, we have committed a crime, but when the government takes our property without our consent they are simply re

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The Silent Majority Must Speak Up


As long as the people remain silent, there will always be those who will seek to exploit the masses. At birth we were endowed by our Creator will certain God given rights which included the right to life, liberty and property.

This rich and powerful cabal are intent on redistributing our wealth into their pockets.They control those who write the law, those who interpret the laws and those who enforce the laws. They also control the issuance of our money.

If we were  playing in a game of chess, w

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Muppets, Puppets and Stooges


In 1776, the majority of the colonists were opposed to taking on the greatest military power on earth. Agents of the King tried to convince the Colonists through propaganda campaigns, that there was no possibility that they could defeat King George.

However, a courageous minority refused to believe the hype and did not wish to continue living in bondage. They decided that life without liberty was not worth living. Today, we have become the subjects of tyranny and once again it is the time for u

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There are over 535 men and women who have been elected Kings and Queens in the land of the free. These elected monarchs have written laws that have converted our Constitutional Republic in to a Corporate Empire where the financial elite are able steal the wealth of the people under the color of law.

Of the people living in a Country are to live free, the government must be restrained. The people are responsible to hold their elected officials accountable or pay the penalty for their negligence.

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When the majority of voters become financially dependent on the government for unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, government entitlements and jobs, America will have been destroyed by those that we elected to protect our lives, liberty and property. When 51% of the voters discover that they can use the government to pick their neighbors pocket, our country will cease to exist.

Over the past hundred years the number of those feeding from the public trough has continued to grow, and tod

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Snakes in theGrass


Snakes are cold blooded animals that don't have a backbone. They speak with a forked tongue and they have no balls. They share many of the same characteristics as lawyers  Like snakes, lawyers are masters of deception having been trained to lie, cheat and steal. 

With liberty comes the responsibility to use the brain that God gave us to draw our own conclusions. When we trust the judgment of others we become their subjects.Those that seek to control us, first attempt gain our confidence so that

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Blood Sucking Parasites


In order to dominate the world, the financial elite have very cleverly deceived nearly everyone on the planet. In order to exploit the masses,

Bankers control what the people believe. For them to enslave the people they must do so without the people's awareness of what is being done to them.Johannes Goethe is absolutely correct in his observation that: "No man is more hopelessly enslaved than the man who falsely believes he is free".

A man who thinks he is free is significantly more productive

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