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Beware of the FREE Government Cheese

8575444463?profile=originalWhen  the delegates of the states met in Philadelphia they wanted to revise the Articles of Confederation. Instead they tried to create a more perfect union.

The dominant group of delegates favored the creation of a powerful central government. They were rich, well educated white men who felt that vast majority of the people were not capable of governing themselves. In their opinion in order to form a more perfect union the decisions should be made by enlightened men like themselves.

The Federal

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The Three Headed Monster


The three branches of government were created to protect the life, liberty and the property of the people. Unfortunately the three branches that were created to protect us have become the number one usurper of our God given rights.

Our nation is in peril because the Constitution is being violated every day by the men and women that serve in all three branches of government. The guardians of our liberty have become the greatest threat to our peace, prosperity and freedom.Congress was supposedly

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Traitors, Cowards and Patriots

8575440900?profile=originalBack in 1776 the American Colonist were divided into three camps. In the first group were those that remained loyal to King George.

The second group were the fence straddlers that wanted to remain neutral and the third group were the courageous individuals that believed in the notion that they had rights that were given to them by God.

Thanks to the courageous minority that were willing to fight for freedom a nation was founded upon the principle of individual liberty and personal responsibility

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Not in My Neighborhood


Would you invite a person infectious disease to move in to your spare bedroom?People with values which are contrary to those held by our founding fathers are a threat to the health and happiness of our nation America was built on the foundations of individual liberty and personal responsibility.I would not rent a room to a pedophile, a pyromaniac or a serial killer

I  would not rent to a lawyer, a prostitute or a politician. I would only rent to a person who believed in liberty, justice and eq

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Distribution of Stolen Property


The Constitution provides for General Welfare, but not Specific Welfare. General Welfare benefits everyone while Specific Welfare benefits some at the expense of others. The purpose of our government is to protect our rights not to redistribute wealth and provide free goodies.Specific Welfare is how the elected officials reward their supporters and punish their opponents.

Showing preferential treatment to some at the expense of others is unethical, immoral and gives rise to crime, corruption an

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Look Who is Cooking the Books


The Federal Government collected a little over 3 trillion dollars in taxes and earned over $14 trillion on their stock market investments. In fiscal year 2015, the federal budget was $3.8 trillion. 

With over 17 trillion dollars in revenue, only 3.8 trillion was allocated to the budget and the remaining balance of over 13 trillion dollars is unaccounted for and hidden from public view.As you can see, with that amount of money in investments, the Federal government does not need to tax the peopl

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Trolling for Dollars

Image result for police car

There was once a time when police officers were peace officers, but unfortunately they are now revenue officers whose main job is to write citations and generate  money for the city.

Unlike the county Sheriffs, who are elected by the people to serve them, the police are employees of your city council. They enforce, the rules, regulations, codes, ordinances and statutes, but completely ignore the Constitution.

he their job is to issue citations in order to fill the city coffers with money that u

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I am sorry to say that the Constitution written back in 1787 has become nothing more than a glorified governmental hood ornament. Many of the fundamental principles upon which our nation was founded have long since been forgotten by those who have sworn an oath to preserve them.When we continue to elect unethical men and women to represent us we are ultimately responsible for their behavior.

The expression "Garbage In, Garbage Out" certainly applies to Congress. The document that was supposed t

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Putting America First


According to our Declaration of Independence all men have the same identical rights. No man or nation has more rights than another, \When our foreign policy is to put America first we are sending a message that all men and nations are not equal and that the United States has the right exploit other nations because we are bigger and stronger

There are only two kinds of people in the world today, those who are ethical and those who are not, Men and nations that violate the sovereignty pf men and

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We Are Enslaving Our Children


According to the Thirteenth Amendment it is unconstitutional to subject a person to slavery or involuntary servitude. When a parents are compelled to send their children to government schools the Constitution is being violated.For thirteen years students are subjected to involuntary servitude without their consent and without compensation

A child typically goes to school for approximately 8 hours a day for 180 days a year and spends a total of over 18.000 hours incarcerated in a government clas

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Legalizing Violence to Prevent Terrorism


The most efficient way to prevent terrorism is to lock everyone the government believes is most likely to commit a terrorist act.,

In order to implement this policy it would be necessary for the government to suspend the rights of the people who they feel are the most  likely to commit a violent crime, In the mover "Minority Report an Pre-Crime Division was created to identify and apprehend the criminals before they have committed a crime.

Over 200 years ago, Benjamin Franklin warned us that g

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The Constitution is Like aToothless Tiger

8575441052?profile=originalWhen a law is not enforced it ceases to be a law. The Constitution which was once the supreme law of the land had become nothing more than a suggestion. In order for our government to function properly we need to enforce the Constitution and must hold our government officials accountable.

The ruling class needs to know that the failure to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution will result in criminal charges being filed.The principles upon which our nation was founded

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent


The long held maxim of law "Innocent until proven guilty" does not apply is the U.S. District Court in Las Vegas, Nevada. The individual masquerading as a Judge has decided that in her courtroom, Cliven Bundy and his sons shall be considered guilty until proven innocent. She has turned her back on the Constitution she took an oath to preserve, protect and defend.

The Constitution demands that the case be heard before an impartial jury, but apparently she believes that having an impartial judge

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Carrying a Grudge


If you are offended by what someone said or did to you, it is up to you to decide if you want to be a victim.

When you are offended, you empower your adversary. but when you forgive them, you win.

You can't control what others say and do, but you can control how you react. He who is easily offended has many masters, but the man who forgives all, has none

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Are You a Sheep or Sheepdog ?

Are You a Sheep or Sheepdog ?

by Brett & Kate McKay  in A Man's Life, On Manhood

Psychology of Men and Resistance !


Last December, 58-year-old Ki Suk Han was pushed onto the subway tracks in New York City. Even though 60-90 seconds passed before an oncoming train hit the man, a group of up to eighteen bystanders simply stood on the platform and looked on as the train approached and ran him over.

One, a freelance photographer for a New York newspaper, even had time to snap a photo of Han’s last momen

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gold and silver

we are witnessing the destruction of this great nation RIGHT NOW! We have been poisoned and are so weak in nature and stature that even China places nuclear subs off our coasts. They taste the land of honey. they see the paved roads of gold and silver. they smell the agriculture, the fine fruits andberries the clover asd the salty cool air from the coast.

This they feel is their destiny.
But what is it they are not being told?  Could it be that the Spider hides in its web waiting?
That the pe

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Daily Blog Posted for March 10th, 2014

Monday, March 10th, 2014



Our current government is revealing itself to be the total antithesis to freedom, independence and sovereignty in America. Now “America’s chickens are comin’ home to roost.”

In the opinion of Ralph Reiland, Associate Professor of Economics @ Robert Morris University, “We’re all going to be sitting in the dark before it’s over.”

In my opinion all existing homes should convert to a back-up generator system, a fuel supply tank, and a water cistern and green water s

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"A Republic if You Can Keep It"

Wednesday March 12th, 2014

"A Republic if You Can Keep It"

8575442270?profile=originalWe in America operate in a Constitutional Representative Republic in stark contrast to anything ever tried before in the history of mankind; when our Representatives are no longer there to "Represent" they should be fired, just like the rest of us would be.

We didn’t "dedicate our lives, our fortunes and our mutual prosperity" as a nation in the fight for freedom, just to relinquish that freedom to one group or another; and freedom isn’t sa

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