Every state in the union of several states is responsible for securing their rights for the state and the people within it. However, this has been severely overlooked for too long. The issues at hand are states' rights, individual rights and freedoms and the restrictions placed on the federal government by its charter, the Constitution, The DOI and The Articles of Confederation.
Here is a short list of the most important issues for the states to secure for their people and the land, water and air they rely upon.
All states must immediately move to do the following;
- Create an official and constitutional state Militia, "to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions." This needs to be done TODAY!
- Insist on appointing their own Senators so no suffrage, without the consent of the states in the Senate shall any longer be allowed to exist.
- Redraw the states Congressional districts to reflect the limit described in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, whereby; "The Number of Representatives shall not exceed One for every thirty Thousand,.."
- Ban ANY allegiance to the BAR. They are a foreign entity granting titles of nobility in direct violation of the Constitution. Return to the restrictions of the lawfully ratified Original 13th Amendment.
- Ban the Fed from every banking institution within state lines and force a return to lawful money institutions and rules which favor the depositor not the bank. Eliminate fraction reserve lending. Drop the gold standard.
- Return to the idea of "One County, One Vote" the way the states were originally designed to work, where every county has a state senator or a vote of county councils to give every county one vote in the state legislature.
- Re-institute the County Sheriff as the top law enforcement officer in every county.
- Move to dissolve ANY law which violates the 2nd Amendment and any state constitution. And Finally;
- Eliminate Washington D. C. and Drain The Swamp! Here is a video in support of this. Pick it up after the introduction at about minute 5:30.
We live in a world of high-tech gadgetry and advanced communications. Our Representatives at all levels can simply Skype or Zoom with each other from their office. An office BTW, that will be within walking distance of their district's 30,000 constituents. Let's Drain The Swamp!
This is a good start for ANY state in the union. So, if you were wondering where to start doing something instead of talking about it, here is a good place to begin.
You need to bring these demands to your state representative and tell him, don't ask him to immediately move to return state and individual sovereignty to his constituents or face troubling times ahead. Any attempt to ignore this information or not pass it along to the legislature is misprision of Treason, punishable by law and a complete violation of his Oath of Office.
Mine is Eric Nelson from Pennsylvania's 57th Congressional district. Can't wait to see the look on his face when I show him this list.
Find your state Reps HERE. Show him this article. I dare you!
Comments? Questions?