----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Banker's Wars (23)

War is a Racket

Biography of General Smedley Butler

By Robert Shetterly


At the time of his death, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, also known as “The Fighting Quaker”, was the most decorated Marine in US history; he was the only person to be awarded a M

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The Seeds of War

The forces that led to World War I and every war since then has been the result of Nationalism, Militarism , Imperialism and Entangling Alliances. These factors have all contributed to hostility and acts of aggression. 


In a world that embraces the

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Banned in America

This video has been banned from the prying eyes of the American public. I suppose those who control such things would rather you didn't see this. Perhaps they are afraid that if you knew the government was commissioning propaganda videos from "BIG" H

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