I know that this post is going to stir up a lot of controversy, but I think the truth needs to be told.
The Prussian mercenaries were paid to fight for King George in the revolutionary war were nothing more than paid assassins.
Our soldiers today are modern day are expected to obediently do what they are told without question.
The military was supposed to protect our lives, liberty and property, not to invade other nations for the benefit of the financial elite.
A true soldier fights to defend his life, liberty and property. He fights for a cause and not for money. Ever since the end of World War II the United States has engaged in perpetual wars and has been paying soldiers to represent the best interests of the international bankers.
Our modern day mercenaries are nothing more than paid assassins who are paid to help the bankers enslave the world in debt.
Our soldiers are not hired to kill the enemies of the American people, they are hired to kill those who stand between the bankers and the resources they seek. Listen to this speech by General Smedley
"All Wars Are Banker's Wars"
If our soldiers are working for the bankers, they certainly are not working for us. The men and women in the U.S. military are being misused as the enforcers for the international corporation who rule the world. They are told to kill, so they do. The Banksters are funding BOTH sides!
"In Haig's presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as 'dumb, stupid animals to be used' as pawns for foreign policy."
-- Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 208
Many complicated questions confront the world’s leadership and all leading religious instructors who thirst for a unanimous conclusion for global security in the current predicament of nuclear proliferation within the context of the moral crisis in political ethics and religious conflicts.
1. Is our world leadership united and coherent enough to combat the sources of terrorism and war given the rise of scientific insights that continue to design and manufacture lethal weapons for mass killing (that is, nuclear weapons)? It is the effect of our genetic nature that forces us to use whatever we have created for individual conceptions of safety and peace.
2. Is it possible for the entire world led by God for human beings to uproot the sources of religious conflicts that erupt in the blood of massacre? No! They are enthralled in the strictures of their own religious tradition. It is impossible for them to surrender their own religious profession to transcend their own faiths to fill in the religious gaps that divide human perception
. 3 Do UN bureaucracies and administrations have enough potential to lead the global community on the path toward peace and propel those in positions of leadership to overcome complicated political issues,humanitarian crises, and religious conflicts? No! The UN embodies potential political ethics beyond the reach of the general public
4 Regarding these most complicated global issues, we will have to promote the graces of literature to construct a platform whereby the world community (even the common public at large) facilitates a unanimous conclusion of the larger questions confronting the world. There are many possibilities to unify the world community by promoting the graces of literature through academic sources under UN observation
5 Are we safe neglecting these larger issues that force us to an unnatural end?
6 Do we have ample, sufficient, and appropriate ideas and resources to combat those masterminds that have converted humankind into “lethal bombs”?
Help us to unify beyond our political and religious inherited thoughts for the perpetuation of peace and solidarity. Only Military operation against brutal religious and political violence, campaigns with separate visions, conversation only for suggestions, or the political and religious demonstration, are not enough at all, to prevent the massacres by terrorism and war.
Please sign and share this petition to achieve the goals in favor of humanity, with any cost.
Defend our borders, our country, period. We cannot and should not try to resolve the issues that other countries have with their neighbors. Mind our own business, not everyone else's.
So...knowing the problem well, meaning truly, or meaning accurately knowing the problem ought to inspire a demand for an effective solution.
One might think.
A Parasite City.
At least you were told they were not innocents, and the Zionist Oligarchy history books have made almost all other nations look like evils. I thank you for your service to this nation, but we all have been lied to, and are still being told lies, which have cost millions of lives on all sides!
"Any ideas how to reverse the perversity?"
Stop using the currency of the criminals and that ends their power of falsehood.
When the "elite" say they are the "elite" that fact of them saying that exposes them as liars. They are criminals.
Why would the victims use the words said by the criminals?
Why would the victims use the labels labeling the criminals as the "elite"?
Why would the victims allow their earnings, their productions of surplus wealth, to flow to the criminals?
That flow of currency flowing that way causes the victims to grow weaker and the criminals to grow stronger by the minute.
Sure, yes, certainly, by all means (moral), the criminals (not "elite") ought to be acknowledged as criminals when it is possible to do so without having to pay the ultimate price for failing to obey without question, or even in those cases too.
Why call the frauds who cause these pogroms called wars (why call them wars if they are crime scenes) bankers? They are criminals.