The Great Compromise

The Great Compromise of 1787


Edmund Randolph, Governor of Virginia in 1787, proposed that the new Congress under the Constitution should have two legislative houses.

One part, the voice of the people, where there would exist a House of Representatives, who would be apportioned to the states, wherein, "The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand,..", and another part, The Senate, with Senators being "chosen by the legislatures thereof," to protect the general interests of the land the people rely on; such as rivers, roads, pollution, geographical features and Parks, etc.

His proposal was rejected by the small states who wanted each state to have equal representation. The large states rejected the principle of equal representation.


Roger Sherman of Connecticut proposed that the House of Representatives would be based on proportional representation based on the idea that these representative districts should be limited in size to approximately 30,000 people as seen in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, and the Senate would be based on the principle of equal representation according to the rules of Article I, Section 3, Clause 1.

The Great Compromise allowed both the states interests and the people's rights to be represented in Congress. However, with the unlawfully ratified 17th Amendment, the states lost their representation in the Senate and Americans lost their only check against abuse of centralized political power in Congress. In addition to that, the 17th Amendment is a direct violation of Article V, wherein;

"No state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate." 

Today the Wall Street Corporations spend millions of dollars in campaign donations or in essence, purchase seats in the Senate for politicians who will only represent the interests of the financial elite and have an overall 93% reelection rate.

We need to tell the truth for once and Declare The 17th Amendment, Null and Void, according to the Supreme Law of the Land, (The Constitution of the united States, Article 6, Section 2.)



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