----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The President's Authority to Wage War

8575483089?profile=originalIn Article II of the Constitution it states that the President is the Commander in Chief when he is called into service by Congress. The authors of the Constitution wanted the people through their representatives in Congress to be responsible to determine in war was necessary. They wanted the Presidents power to wage war to be limited. They knew that granted the President the unlimited power to wage war would be potentially dangerous and that is why the Presidential power to wage war was can only be lawfully authorized with the consent of Congress or when he is responding to an act of aggression by a foreign power.

When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the President did not need to wait for Congress to declare war before he assumed the role of Commander in Chief. The President is authorized to defend the nation, but he is not authorized to use the military to attack or invade another country without an official declaration of war.

it was not the intention of our founders to grant unlimited power to the President to wage war, if it had been they would expressed in Article II that the President was be the Commander in Chief at tall times. but that is not what is written in Article II. The war powers clause indicates that the President powers to wage war are unleashed when he is serving in the capacity of Commander in Chief and that only happens when he is called into service by an act of Congress.

A dictator has unlimited power to wage war, but the President of a Constitutional Republic does not. The President's power does not include the power to start wars, his power is limited to waging a war after in has been declared by Congress.

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  •   If we had any real AMERICANS in congress and the white house in the last hundred years or so we wouldn't be dieing now. Satan has used the three most powerful tools there are to corrupt this Nation = sex/greed & perceived power. I doubt there's even one person in congress that knows the Bill of Rights or their limitations placed in the original Constitution (not the one they have worked over and perverted) .

      Unless we the people join the republic and clean up this nation one city - one county - one state beginning a year ago the country will not exist long enough for an 18yr.old to have grandchildren. The Roths rockys etc. will have it all and control it all. The world will return to the roman gladiator time to entertain the rich family's. It will have to as when you have it all - can do absolutely anything without any boundary just what will entertain you?  If you own all the gold what could you buy/ How would you pay for it? The gold would be worthless.

    • I'm beginning to feel as though joining the republic is simple acceptance of constitutional natural law principal, then working with others to spread those principals in agreement.

      Indeed, the first principal we can use as a group is freedom of speech, and we use it to unify on recognition of the principals of the old republic and its constitution which places the right to alter or abolish as our first right.

      The process of "alter or abolish" which is peaceful and lawful is Article V, and the people of states with their vote can elect officials that recognize and stand for the principals.

      Because of the abridging of free speech, money is required to share vital information, and a candidates intentions are vital info we need to know in order to vote for them.

      Therein is the logic of "preparatory amendment". Three issues we if the republic decide must be dealt with at Article V in order to resolve them. And, without there resolution, Article V may not serve the people in their efforts to restore the old republic.

      1)End the abridging of free speech

      2)Secure the vote

      3)campaign finance reform.

      If we of the republic work for Article V, and proper preparation for it, allowing no amendment until America can assure itself that it knows constitutional intent, then the masses of Americans will be able to knowingly join us in bringing the old republic into dominant power over the nations governments.
    • There is a black band across my iPhone screen that blocks tex. correction here-
      "Three issues we; if the republic is to decide; must be dealt with at Article V "
  • As Congressman Charles Wrangle recently said..."We don't pass laws because they are Constitutional!"

  • The Presidency DOES have the power to lead us into war and to make law via Executive Orders etc. This power was given the Presidency via the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933.

    I suggest people who are interested in knowing more about how we are now governed study http://www.thecnc.org/Documents/Unconstitutional.htm.

    UnConstitutional Acts
    •  SO what if this clown does declare war and nobody comes?




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