----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The School Yard Bully

8575533276?profile=originalWhen the school yard bully offers to protect his classmates in exchange for a portion of their lunch money, he is running a protection racket. It just so happens that the bully is the guy who beats up the children who refuse to pay the "protection" fee.This is precisely what our government is doing to us. Under the guise of taking care of us, they steal our money and our freedom. Like the school yard bully, the government is also the greatest threat to our safety. In order to steal our money and our freedom, they must first make us afraid. When we are sufficiently scared, we gladly pay the government to protect us from real or imaginary threats. Sadly, the government which was created to protect our lives, liberty and property has become the greatest threat to our security. Those who refuse to follow Caeser's rules and pay him tribute will end up in a cage or a cemetery.When a school yard bully begins to take your lunch money, it is just a matter of time until he requires a larger share. Eventually he will force you to borrow money in order to pay for his services.


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  • Kirkland's / thoughts...........  school yard bully..............

    1. When the school yard bully offers to protect his classmates in exchange for a portion of their lunch money, he is running a protection racket. It just so happens that the bully is the guy who beats up the children who refuse to pay the "protection" fee.


    Kirkland thoughts...........
    (In response of a bully, the bully will be a bully for while , but soon he will meet a new bully who will teach him the basic lesson of what a can of whoop a... s    ..  S     Is.  However, most bullies team up with other bullies and then become best friends after there first bully fight.  In most cases, and from my own experience of being a bully.
      After this happens the bully usually ends up being very independent and very few friends, as he grows up.  But the saving of a bully is usually dealt with a family member who will teach the bully some basic love and friendship.  But however most bullies in the long run of life is very unpredictable. Unless the bully joins the military and experiences the military discipline.  This is the only way a bully will be taught to protect lif and limb and to be a productive person in society.  )
    This is precisely what our government is doing to us. Under the guise of taking care of us, they steal our money and our freedom. Like the school yard bully, the government is also the greatest threat to our safety.

    Kirkland response.....
    (The government is turning many people into bullies, but however the masses are uniting and education and training there selves, and figuring out what the laws are really all about.  The masses are figuring what the basic bill of rights are and the traditions and the history of the nations trials of life.  It seems that the masses are awaking and are taking actions to challenge the government on the actual  powers granted to them. )

     In order to steal our money and our freedom, they must first make us afraid. When we are sufficiently scared, we gladly pay the government to protect us from real or imaginary threats. Sadly, the government which was created to protect our lives, liberty and property has become the greatest threat to our security.
    Kirkland thoughts..................
    (Due to the facts of fraud and government schemes , the institutions are programing the masses to never question or disrespect anyone in a uniform.
      However the institutions re part of a mob rule who makes illegal regulation on basic fundamental living acts, and enforcing a direct tax and a direct capitalization and money making monopoly. For the record the elite who are the mob rule utilizes the law enforcement to do the dirty work of violations against ones and masses  privacy- and enforcing illegal statutes and codes and fraud, hiding behind the so called law. )


     Those who refuse to follow Caeser's rules and pay him tribute will end up in a cage or a cemetery.

    Kirkland thoughts................
    (The governmental institutions who follow illegal laws are being held accountable for the actions of the illegal actions and unconstitutional acts against its people they serv.  However the facts show why a person of uniform commercial codes officers are getting shot across the nation states,
     why ? 
    Because the public is tired and fed up of being violated, and so the masses are standing up to authority that they know is a schemes and fraud, I predict more masses will defend the true freedom of privacy and to be able to live without infractions and creative crimes against the ones they serve.

      The institutions must be reminded that they serve and they have a rule of law, the latter.  And that governmental institutions must obey the limitation of the latter enumerated to them from the people they work for , and to serve and protect.  )

    When a school yard bully begins to take your lunch money, it is just a matter of time until he requires a larger share. Eventually he will force you to borrow money in order to pay for his services.

    Kirkland closing thoughts..........
    (If the bully does not figure the problem out soon , they will end up perishing in many ways, one way is the wrath of God will punish them.
     Another way is the bullies of governmental institutions and  officers will have to stand with the people they’re to serve, and to actually learn the law, and to not be a bullys- and to become a protector of the people. )8575814884?profile=original

  • Good one Keith!

    This was the first lesson I learned when we moved into Moberly. The extortion gang were overseen by the nephews of the 30-year-tenured county Sheriff.

    Most of the worst offenders of the public Trust are generational fixtures. This is because, IMHO, We the People aren't even aware they can really do something about this dysfunctional condition. Once We effect the correction needed, it doesn't require much effort to maintain. It could also create new jobs that are currently not available because the offenders don't want that much oversight.

    Remember the solution to the "school playground bully"? Once confront by a dedicated foe they would quickly retire back to the shadows, especially when the champion is supported by numbers. Often the retired bully will become a champion themselves.

    Thanks Keith! Good post.

    Johnny B

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