Donald Trump's slogan to "Make America Great Again" helped to get him elected, but I would like to pose the question what does it mean to be great.
I maintain that when the principles of liberty, equality and justice are enjoyed by all a nation is great. I don't think that a nation that steals land from one group of people and enslaves another can be classified as a great nation.
If you define the term great to mean rich and powerful, I think we qualify as being a great nation, but if greatness is determined by our government's behavior, we fail miserably.
Things that are great are not based on how big they are, but based upon how good they are . If a nation is to be great the people need to be great and they need to adhere to the principles of natural law. They must respect the lives, liberty and property of others and refuse to comply with laws that are unjust.
Our nation was created to be a great nation based upon the principles of liberty, equality and justice. We we abandoned these core values we lost our identity as a truly great nation.
The establishment of a national bank, the purchase of stolen property from France, the treatment of the indigenous Americans and the enslavement of Africans are just a few of the reasons why I believe the true greatness of America exists only in the minds of the people who don't understand the past.
Lincoln's War did not save the Union, he destroyed our republic. He violated the Constitution and thanks to his efforts our God given rights were converted in to privileges granted by the government.
The establishment of the Federal Reserve, the implementation of the Income Tax, and the Seventeenth Amendment also paved the way to a much bigger and stronger central government.
According to President Woodrow Wilson we entered the war to make the world sage of democracy. Ever since we have been engaged in a never ending series of unconstitutional wars of aggression.
A man who is great is a man listens to his conscience. Just because a man is big does not make him great.