----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

16 Principles of Liberty




1. Natural Law and Natural Rights: The world is governed by natural laws discoverable through the application of reason. Among the natural rights enjoyed by all mankind are the right to property, the right to life, and the right to act free of coercion.

1. The world is governed by the principles of Natural Law. and whenever these laws are violated there are natural  consequences that cause pain and suffering.


2. Individual Liberty: All mankind enjoy an individual sphere of action that should remain free from outside interference without his consent.

2. All human being was endowed with a set of God given rights which include the right to life, liberty and property.


3. Private Property: Each person possesses the right to freely buy, sell, trade, and transfer property.

3. Every person on earth has a right to keep the fruits of his or her own labor. Taking the property of the producer to give it to a non producer violates one of the fundamental principles of Natural Law.

4. Free Markets and Free Trade: The freedom of individuals to engage in the economic endeavor of their choosing and to buy, sell, and trade the fruits of his labor without interference from government.

4. Every person has a  right to enter into contracts exchange that which they have with what they want without governmental interference. Rules and regulations deprive people of the Natural Right to contract

5. Limited Government: Written constitutions are best suited for establishing and maintaining a government of strictly enumerated powers.


6. Rule of Law: To insure justice,  all people have a right to be treated equally under law. There are two kinds of law, The first is Natural Law and the second is Legislative Law. Any law that violates Natural Law is Null and Void.

equality All among  the exercise of political authority must be governed by the rule of law and not by the capricious will of the governors.


7. Freedom of Speech: Every individual of society must be free to criticize the government and the governors without fear of reprisal or repercussion.


8. Freedom of Conscience: Freedom to choose and practice religion or not to practice  religion is  must be protected.


9. Progress and Prosperity: Every individual has a right to do whatever they desire as long as they do not violate the life, liberty or property of another. Anyone who uses their times and talent to produce something of value has a right to dispose of their property without governmental interference.



10. Domestic Tranquility and Peaceful Foreign Policy: The government must not be allowed to unduly interfere in the domestic affairs of other nations.


11. Freedom of Self-Determination: Individuals must be at liberty to travel freely and to immigrate and emigrate according to fairly enacted procedures.


12. Promote the General Welfare: The right of individuals to freely associate, to develop their faculties and talents, and to use those faculties and talents to accumulate property and to use that property for the improvement of their own welfare and for the welfare of others must be protected from undue government interference.


13. Representative Government: In order to be legitimate, laws must be enacted by the representatives of the people, in whom resides the natural right to rule.

The purpose of the government is to protect the rights of the people, not to regulate and control their lvieds.


14. Liberty Will Only Persist Among a Virtuous People: A people devoid of virtue will permit themselves to be governed by corrupt leaders and will not vigilantly protect their rights from being abrogated by lawmakers.


15. The Only Legitimate Basis for Government is based the Consent of the people   Without the consent of the individual members of a society, the laws imposed upon them are void and of no force.

If people are governed, they are not FREE

16. Debt — Personal and National — is a Form of Enslavement: When a nation spends the resources of its people s0 as to put that nation in debt, generations of citizens are forced into enslavement

Usury causes the people to be divided into class of lenders and class of borrowers. The lender is always slave to the lender.

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