----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Declaration of Intent to Separate

When in the course of living, we humans find ourselves in a situation we are not in control of when we should be, we are duty bound to describe the circumstances by which we should seek to extricate ourselves from that situation and the reasons for departure from the current habits in government.

Our Federal and "State of" governments today have extended "authority" and "jurisdiction" well beyond the boundaries set forth in the "...Constitution for the united states of America". As these egregious violations have continued unabated for more than 150 years and show no signs of change, it is no longer acceptable that we should seek redress of grievances or petition our government for mercy. We have done that. It has failed time and again.

It is time for We The People to Declare the specific violations which exist now and the terms by which our servants shall serve us in the future. To that end I submit the following:

We The People Declare that;

  • You have subverted the rule of Law and stolen the people's voice under the guise of protection, by creating for yourselves a "Supreme Court", which is not supreme as God's Law and the Laws of Nature dictate what is or is not "Supreme". In the Articles of Confederation, there is no judicial power of the courts delegated to the government. It was assumed this power resided with the people. The Constitution of No Authority stole that power from The People. Thus, it is now necessary to retrieve that power and return it to The People. It is time for us to return to the proper rule of law, where the role of government is clear, limited and defined once again.
  • You have indoctrinated our youth, instead of educating and preparing them and private schools and Home-Schooling have proven to be far superior methods of true education.
  • You have successfully removed God from the people as the center of all Law and instead have replaced it with man's law in the form of Administrative legalities, statutes, rules, regulations, codes, enactments, proclamations, directives, and orders; none of which are true Law, nor do they actually carry the force of Law. Attempts are underway to continue this practice of removing God from the People's view.
  • You have allowed the creation of a private lending institution, The Federal Reserve Bank, and placed them in charge of The People's currency and its value in violation of Article I, Section 8, Clause 5. As there is no length to their "Charter" mentioned anywhere in the Act which created them, they stand null and void. Even if the "Bank" claims that they had a one hundred year charter, that 100 years is UP!
  • You have created "gun laws" designed limit, track and confiscate our firearms in violation of our God-given right to self defense and the rules and restrictions of the 2nd Amendment. This is currently taking place in every state Republic in our country, in one way or another. Virginia is, this very day, in unrest over this issue.
  • You have unlawfully reduced, slowly and carefully, by "the Death of a Thousand slices", our proper Representation in The People's House, in violation of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, where; districts "shall not exceed thirty Thousand". The proof of this can be found at, Representation - Proper Numbers in the House.
  • You have unlawfully declared the 17th Amendment to be as Law, in violation of state protections found in Article V, wherein; "no State, without its Consent shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate." As such, this Amendment stands Null and Void, Ab Initio, ad infinitum.
  • You have created a "Progressive Tax" in violation of the uniformity requirement found at Article I, Section 8, Clause 1. Our current system is a creature of Frederik Engels and Karl Marx and published as the 2nd of the Ten Planks of the The Communist Manifesto. Further, you have also instituted the rest of the Ten Planks as well, in violation of all that is right in a Representative, Militia Republic.
  • You have removed the right of the people to form Militias for defense of the Nation as a whole, and as a means of keeping regular, the training necessary to carry out the duties of the Militia.
  • You have stolen the Grand Jury from the people, where it expressly belongs. The Grand Jury process and formation belongs to the people for use as a tool to convict and punish violators of law, especially as against tyrannical government. It is absolutely necessary that this right stays in the hands of the public at large, (meaning those who are completely disconnected from government office or contractual or familial entanglements). Instead, the calling forth, formation and control of Grand Juries is accomplished through the office of the District Attorney.
  • You, (the Federal government),  have from the inception of our founding, used The Doctrine of Discovery as an excuse to murder the native people, annihilate their livestock and other food supplies, intentionally victimized them through intentionally infecting them with diseases to which it was widely known that they had no immunity. This was intentional and a complete reversal of what is taught in our public schools, (indoctrination centers).

Shall I go on, or would someone else like to chime in? Go ahead, give it a go. I'm sure we can come up with more, eh?

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  • You have declared us dead or lost beyond the seas by way of the birth certificate signed by the Registrar, the office of probate. This was done without our knowledge and consent so that we would not be aware that your agents were controlling us through the estates created in a NAME similar to our appellations.

    Through this machination, the use of the all caps straw man estate to steal our identities, you have conned us into giving up our energies to a world wide mafia.

    You conned us into believing that all those statutes, codes, regs, rules and ordinances pertained to us, the living, when, in fact, they pertain to nothing but the figments of our imaginations. All this done because you knew from the first day that your fiction can never reach parity with our reality. Your only hope to continue this charade was to implement the use of smoke and mirrors to cloud our minds.

  • The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment
    To The Constitution For The United States

    "If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them." [Journal of the Senate]

    B.A.R.  British Accreditation Registry is the office to which they are beholden.

    Definition of esquire
    1 : a member of the English gentry ranking below a knight
    2 : a candidate for knighthood serving as shield bearer and attendant to a knight
    3 —used as a title of courtesy often by attorneys usually placed in its abbreviated form after the surname John R. Smith, Esq.
    4 archaic : a landed proprietor

    Loyalty to another government makes them traitors and yet, they sit and self-proclaim themselves god over all of us.

    A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875
    • Self proclaim themselves is a little redundant, eh?

      But you are absolutely on point with that comment. They have altered the paradigm. They have placed themselves in authority over us, as though they created us, rather than the other way around.

  • I congratulate you, Keith, on your apt description of the primary failures of US government to protect the interests of the People. They are, in fact, the same failures that history has taught us to expect from every republic, no matter how benign the apparent intentions of the founders. I am, therefor, continually astounded by your persistent faith in the viability of a governmental format (the republic) that so consistently devolves into tyranny.

    Accordingly, I suggest to you, again, that you consider promoting a different kind of constitution - one not based on the concept of a republic. Here is the rationale for its creation.
    http://www.titanians.org/ethics-law-government .

  • This is long, but here goes.

    The Declaration of Independence states in part, "truths, self-evident, created equal, by their Creator, unalienable, separate and equal station, Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them,.....Governments are instituted among men to secure these rights... , laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form,...so to secure Safety and Happiness."

    If we as a nation actually paid more than scant attention to the depth of these words, the many issues of "ethics" are stated right here. God or Providence or Divine Providence is written iin perpetuity within each of the 50 state Preambles or Introductions. The foundation is already here, already written in stone, and supports our miraculous birthing as a nation by the Hand of God.

    It is my long-held stance that when the D. O. I. takes its rightful place as THE foundation of every single thing, every righteous amendment, every righteous law, then all will right itself through the providence of God again. What He did before He will do again if we bring Him back.

    So, what am I saying? I am saying that all laws that are not subordinant to the Laws of Nature and Natures God)—LONANG (for short), are pretended legislation and need, need, need to be thrown off the books and out of the Congressional Register.

    What does LONANG mean? Natural Laws are the natural laws of science created by the Force of Power of the Word of God. So, right away, elevating LONANG to oversee/override man-made laws— throws out all preferences for homosexuals, transgenders, and all else.

    The Revealed Law of God is the Ten Commandments, thereby abolishing Roe v Wade, the non-law, Obergefell, the non-law that equalizes perversion with the first Covenant established by God with Man, and lastly, the "opinion that elevated Judicial Supremacy over the "Supreme Law of the Land" (constitution). For that matter, Christians could reclaim the rainbow with the Name of God. Take it BACK.

    If we, as a country, knew enough to put deeds with our faith, and insist, (nag, protest, write, shove back, use words of faith and knowledge) return prayer to schools, return the Ten Commandments in our courthouses, and knew that our founders established all the early colleges as Bible Colleges, allocated and spent $24,000 to publish the first American Bible and then put in the schools, and if they knew that the New England Primer taught the alphabet to children through stories about Jesus Christ, and —then— and insisted so continually that we WINwe would return to our former fruitfulness—that we were the blessed among nations and #1 in literacy, then, what do you think would happen—again?

    Put THOSE words out THERE everywhere you can, what do you think would happen?

    why don't we do it again?

    Somebody, somewhere, needs to state what the heck cultural marxism is, put those words out there, what fabian socialism is, what the FED did, how the IRS is illegal, and always promote the D O I as our Cornerstone, then America would right herself with God at the helm, if we put those words out there.

    The entire idea that we can fix this ourselves is crazy and nuts. This is a spiritual battle and just like Israel wandered and suffered curses, so are we and so shall we continue to be. I read an article out of Israel yesterday about America's cultural destruction and the gist of the article is that the ultimate authority does not rest in any foolish thing that mankind thinks to do. The article proclaimed God's protection that came from His Law. Without Him we can do nothing. Period. That is scripture. His words.

    The best thing we can do is educate and inform the deceived "representatives", our neighbors, our newspapers, our cohorts, and fearlessly mix God with Government and Politics. We should start by defining world view and that cultural marxism and moral relativism are paths to death and tyranny.

    Define LONANG and the biblical world view and contrast its peace, prosperity, inventiveness, authority and accountability to the above. The fruit of LONANG is it brings all 7 cultural mountains under the authority of God.

    Then define the 7 mountains of Government, (meaning God's laws are over all of these mountains and say those words):
    These mountains are: government/politics, business/economy, entertainment, arts/entertainment, media (!),
    family and church. These 7 mountains of culture are all currently dominated and cursed by the sins of self-idolotry, marxism, socialism, atheism, and idol worship, all in combinations with each other.

    The Force of Faith that resulted in the Power of Words created our universe and more.

    The left DOES recognize the force of word power. We do NOT.

    Every single thing the left has done began with words, everything they have done has passed completely unnoticed by both Christians and Patriots. First, Republic became Democracy. Other words changed also, much less important, but examples are "soldiers, disappeared, as two.", and now the misuse of the word "myself." (minor but these things destroy our language and grammar, primary means to communicate, so where did these travesties come from?)  From the one called the thief, liar and murderer. That's where. One more trojan horse along with many. How about defining "border?" And I bet you can think of other words that are becoming extinct.

    Then, the left moved on the word used in birth certificates and Title IX.  'SEX.'

    Sex clearly denotes M or F, and that posses x and/or y chromosomes. It is scientific, meaning it can be proven and verified.

    However, the left subtly changed the word "sex' to "gender." And no one noticed or cared. Nobody.

    Gender is NOT scientific. It is emotional, cultural and political. It is a weapon of satan being used as a Trojan Horse to defeat the children of God and HIS righteousness. And Truth.

    It is NOT scientific and NOT enshrined into law. Until now. And it is only happening because no one has drilled down to the root of the problem, which is spiritual, and even if someone drills down, they haven't drilled down to the source, which is laid out SO beautifully in the D. O. I.

    If what I suggest ever happens, the change would be a tidal wave, as the people in general do not have the words to put out there. Once they have the words, the the tidal wave would grow. Christians do not commonly know the constitution and politics. They barely know God. They need more foundation. The Patriots don't always know the history and that the answer is already there. They need the biblical foundation. 

    As a result, we let the left define the entire debate. On everything. And sat back. No. This is a battle of world views and needs to defined, lifted and proclaimed.

    In the words of one of 0's marxist revolutionary czars, who understood the power of words to seed into action, fundamentally change America from the "Top Down, Bottom Up, and Inside Out."  Do you not see that what he said took effect?

    Take it from the enemy and bring it into casual conversation and you are seeding the atmosphere. We were blessed by God and we will be again. I truly believe this to be true but it is about Him, not us and our opinions/definitions, because we have lost the definition battle long ago.

    • As you would put it, JK

      This will be short, but here goes.

      On the DOI and LONANG, agreed. No question, but let's not get lost in group think, no matter what the reasoning or honor behind it.

      On the left, think Saul Alinski - Rules for Radicals. This is their bible/playbook and the the source of all the word tactics and trickery you mention.

      As far as this comment; "We should start by defining world view...because we have lost the definition battle long ago.",

      Education needs to be backed up with action. Action based on LONANG. This will be our Bible. Not the KJV or any other man-made writing or false idols will do to define who we are and what we stand under.

      And lastly as to the quote, It was Van Jones in the modern day who we find repeating those words. If you want to make real change you have to work from the "Bottom Up, Top Down, and Inside Out."

      By this he meant rabble-rousing in the streets by the method of divide and conquer using jealousy as a mode to intentionally create chaos from the Bottom; make extreme man-made statutes under the guise of this "emergency", from the Top and then turn the pockets and the rights of the middle Inside Out to pay for it.

      This is the M.O. of all radicals. Saul is their god and "Rules for Radicals" is their bible.

      And may i just add;

      “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

      “The time is always right to do what is right.”

      Martin Luther King, Jr.

      • Everything you say is true, except for the last. Saul Alinsky was given over to satan and that is who he serves. The battle is spiritual. Hillary, Billary, the criminals in govco, abortion, all serve the powers of darkness and rulers of principalities. And war in this case is through words as we are not going to go blow up any person, group or place. I am calling attention to the real war, and that it is spirtitual and must be fought with that  mindset just as much as the physical sickness in the heart/mind of Van Jones, Alinsky, Schumer, Pelose, Biden, CNN, 0, etc. etc. etc.

        How DID Israel win the 6 day war when they were surrounded? How DID Israel reclaim her lost language when that has never happened before in the history of time?

        • Yes Jeanine,

          But as I said, Saul is a god to the left you speak of. His writings are what they use as a guide; a bible if you will. That's all. This is in addition to the fact that Saul has sold his soul to the devil. They have all done that.

          The Democrat Party is their headquarters and it would seem that the Republicans are their somewhat less than willing partners in this endeavor to control the world's economies and thereby their people.

          Read this blogspot by Harry J.

          Mass Immigration And The New Tower Of Babel
  • Declaration of Demands


    The cliché’ that “one must stand for something to avoid falling for anything” is true. And though most Americans agree Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated rights guaranteed the people” as 30 governors alleged on 11/22/94 and on the need “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution as they pledged to do this goal remains elusive. WHY? Could it be because they failed to be specific in what they want and/or the lack of an organized resistance?


    On 10/25/10 Glen Beck said the Washington Post referred to the ‘Tea Party’ as a movement without a compass. Is it really a “movement” or some sincere Americans who understand America is headed in the wrong direction and in need of a course change but have no viable plan for changing it?


    When the British Captain of the Serapis demanded Admiral John Paul Jones surrender he replied “I have not yet begun to fight!" So it is with America’s patriots. We have no recognized leadership having a comprehensive plan; a recipe for disaster. POGO said it best; “we have met the enemy and he is us.”


    Historically, Americans have gathered around special interests such as gun control, abortion, monetary and fiscal policy, immigration, etc. Though important issues, they are SYMPTOMS of our problem and SYMPTOMS can’t be solved! This has stifled development of a “collective effort by a large number of people to try to achieve something” (a movement). Perhaps if ’Tea Partiers,” “occupiers,” truckers, “oathkeepers,” Constitutionalists, motorcyclists, Sheriffs, veterans and others trying to get government’s attention would adopt a “Declaration of Demands” identifying specific demands they want satisfied a movement would evolve. Such a Declaration could help people avoid squandering their time and money on addressing symptoms and would provide a “yardstick” for judging political candidates. It is the Republic Restoration Initiative’s position that the following demands must be pursued.


    1. Government officials must accept these facts:

    a. Government was created for the purpose of securing people’s unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and an opportunity to pursue happiness.

    b. no government official has - or has ever had - lawful authority to alter this purpose and any Act by government that’s diminished or destroyed anyone’s ability to enjoy a Right is unlawful and those responsible for its passage and perpetuation are guilty of Sedition, Subversion, Insurrection, Depriving people of their Rights under the color of Law, Treason etc.

    c. the evidence showing Federal action has exceeded its delegated authority is clear and abundant leaving two possibilities; 1. the Constitution has been illegally replaced as the Supreme Law or 2. those responsible for the unlawful “action” are guilty of usurping their delegated authority and are criminals.

    d. President Kennedy was right when he said in 1962 that: “Those who make peaceful resolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

    e. the Constitution's 10th Amendment saying "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution .... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people" is incontestable evidence that the only lawful powers of the Federal Government are those specifically enumerated in the Constitution.

    f. the U. S. Supreme Court was correct in saying:

    "This Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty" and “it would be manifestly contrary to the objectives of those who created the Constitution, let alone alien to our Constitutional history and tradition to construe Article 6 as permitting the United States to exercise power under an international agreement without observing Constitutional prohibitions.” (Reid vs Covert)

    "a law repugnant to the Constitution is void." (Marbury vs Madison)

    "Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making legislation which would abrogate them." (Miranda vs Arizona)

    g. States, as the Principals to the Constitution and under the Law of Agency, hold the ultimate responsibility and authority for assuring its proper interpretation and implementation.


    2. To Make America Great Again America must be in control of its own destiny. Americans have a right to govern themselves; a right destroyed through illegal “Federal action.” To correct the actions we demand:

    a. The U.N.’s mission be revised or America’s U.N. membership terminated! It’s essential the U.N. be but a forum for discussing issues of international concern and that the U.N. Charter and sovereignty destroying treaties and organizations it has spawned be nullified or repealed.

    b. The Federal Reserve System’s policy of monetizing debt must be replaced with one meeting constitutional intent as it’s impossible to be sovereign while indebted to others. To restore a sound economy, we demand a National Economic Recovery Program be instituted that will:

    * amend, alter, or repeal the Federal Reserve Act as authorized under SECTON 31 of the Act and return America to a non interest bearing, non repayable medium of exchange meeting the spirit of the Constitution’s Art. 1, Sec. 8:5.

    * abolish some and restructure the remaining un payable debt of over $100 trillion resulting from our current unconstitutional and un Godly monetary policy that’s supportive of the 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto.

    * resurrect the American System of Economic Independence.

    * develop and implement a tax system meeting constitutional intent.

    * institute a program leading to America’s energy independence.

    * provide a “soft landing” for those dependent on today’s socialist system of governing.

    * downsize government to where it operates within its powers authorized by the Constitution.


    3. We demand States support our goal by:

    a. assuring they aren’t eliminated through a Constitutional Convention or being declared bankrupt.

    b. recognizing they aren’t satrapies of the Federal government and as Principals to the Constitution, States are responsible for its proper interpretation and implementation and that they have a fiduciary responsibility to do so.

    c. appointing an ad-hoc committee to identify federal actions “exceeding the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution” and assuring those responsible for all such actions are held accountable under the law.

    d. recognizing the fraudulent nature of the17th amendment, that fraud has no statute of limitations, that all federal actions taken since the illegal adoption of the 17th Amendment are - in law - null and void and that states should act to assure federal senators again represent the state.

    e. removing the Federal government from the state’s educational process, establishing a curriculum providing students true American history, and providing students handouts to not only educate them but also their parents and neighbors.

    f. assuring the Emergency Powers Act of 3/9/33 that made Americans the official enemies of the Federal government and gave it reason to declare a perpetual state of war and authority to operate under Emergency Powers permitting the President to function as a dictator via Executive Orders, Presidential Decision Directives, etc. be nullified.

    g. passing legislation that will assure votes are counted as cast.

    h. assuring Constitutionalists have access to public broadcasting facilities within their state so there can be open and honest debate on significant issues.

    i. passing a law requiring a true bill issued by a Grand Juries authorized in the Bill of Rights be litigated by a trial jury having full powers of subpoena and unrestricted access to evidence of its choosing when supported by a petition signed by 5,000 voters,

    j. assuring every government official is constitutionally qualified for her/his office.

    k. assuring an honest and thorough investigation into the events surrounding 9/11.

    l. using their powers of intercession and nullification to reject unlawful Federal acts resulting from a deliberate and erroneous interpretation of the Constitution.


    4. We respectfully demand our law enforcement personnel - both civilian and military - recognize and honor their oath of office requiring them to uphold the Constitution of 1787.


    Facts & Conclusions - Whether the violations of our organic Constitution by government officials are premeditated criminal acts, an erroneous interpretation of the Constitution’s “commerce” and “general welfare” clauses, the application of the adopted though never properly ratified 14th Amendment , the emergency Presidential power rooted in the intentional bankruptcy of America or some other nefarious activity the facts are:


    1. fulfilling the Republican governor’s pledge requires the intent of the Constitution’s authors be enforced.


    2. enforcing Constitutional intent will require efficient and effective action by millions of people working as a team (movement) which can best - and perhaps only - be realized through a plan providing unity, not in body, but on significant actions of mutual interest while assuring everyone involved retains their freedom to pursue their special interests.


    3. these demands or a similar set could serve as a catalyst around which people will rally and as a basis for unity on actions having the potential “to restore to the states and the people the prerogatives and freedoms guaranteed them under the Constitution.”


    4. America’s foremost problem is people’s failure to understand the importance of, and to honor James 4:17 saying “to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.


    5. Though the United States was established as a Christian nation over 99% of our so called “churches” are not first amendment churches but incorporated businesses in violation of the first commandment. It is doubtful God will again ‘bless America’ so long as this violation continues. To again enjoy God’s blessing we must have a national repentance and elect God fearing people having the knowledge, courage, and integrity needed to return America to its biblically based foundation.


    Above all, Americans must unite in spirit and meaningful action for as Medori Severi said: "until we abandon our manifold private agendas and unite, we will merely be hapless observers standing at the bottom of a dark, deep pit, wistfully hoping to save the world, but really doing little more than breaking the fall of compatriots who are pushed in on top of us. Only by uniting in a common effort devoid of subjective paradigms will we be able to mold the human spirit upon which we may ascend to freedom....."


    Americans must rally around a set of demands and improve their efficiency and effectiveness by “teaming up” for the benefit of all mankind. If organized as a team, we the concerned could easily bypass the controlled media, recall and replace wayward officials, assure compliance with the rule of law, hold the criminals responsible for our plight accountable and more. America’s greatest needs are a national repentance and people willing to do whatever it takes to restore our Republic who are armed with a viable plan and the tools to implement it.



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