Now is the time to stand up and realize that it is “we the people” who are in control of not only our own destiny, but that of the land upon which we stand. Like a dear in the headlights, we stand there and let evil command us to relinquish control of our lives and property; when we do that we are directly to blame for the inevitable outcome, voluntary servitude. The power to take the control back to a common way and common law is ours and ours alone. We must also teach our posterity to do the same.
I have tried to convince everyone that there is "this way or that" to accomplish the goal correctly, but have found inevitably that there is no simple solution or easy answer.
If I say fight them with their own words, I’m told I am wrong. If I say use your own words and stand on your God-given rights, I am shot down as an evil Christian and told this will not work. If I offer up Stare Decisis and Affidavits of Truth as a solution to the confusing tactics used against us I am told it is useless and “nonsense”. If I try to tell you there are answers within their Codes, I am told this is not the right way to go. Well enough is enough! If anyone reading this thinks I’m talking to you, you’re right! I am talking to ALL of you. Talk is cheap and I am of the full belief that the time for talking is now over.
I have been a free American, divorced from the “cabal”, the “United States”, the “financial elite” or whatever name you wish to give the evil that surrounds you now, for a long time. I have fought these people on common ground and they all know me very well. I have been in my current County for more than twenty years and for over fifteen of them I have been fighting tooth and nail against the wrong-doings “they” bring, and I have not always come out on top; but I will not stop just because I don’t always win.
I will tell you one thing however; they will know when they come up against me, that I come armed with at least some knowledge and a willingness to stand my ground, just like Cliven Bundy was willing to stand his. There comes a point when all the words on the books are not enough and all the talk is insufficient to the solution. There comes a time when we must TAKE what we want and DARE "them" to take it back from us.
I’m tired of trying to convince everyone that "we the people” are the answer. That “we the people” are in control and that it is “we the people” who must stand up and take America back from these law breakers. We sit back on platitudes, wringing our hands in hopes that the right answer or person will come along and slap us in the face and say “here I am, coming to save you.” Well that’s crap!
I have told all of you what to do and you instead try to convince me how wrong I am. Anyone who wishes to criticize me and my solutions better “walk a mile in my shoes” first. I don’t take any crap from my own government here and I’m not going to sit back and take it from anyone on this site either. You all wanted answers. I gave you answers. You didn't like my answers. Well if anyone has done something CONCRETE that ACTUALLY works, bring it on!
I will AGAIN tell you what I have done and you can all go from there. Try it MY way, THEN tell me I’m wrong.
- Close your F-ing bank account. Refuse to allow your wealth and productivity to fall into someone else’s hands. Stop volunteering away control of your profits.
- Pull your F-ing children out of the “government” indoctrination centers and tell your offspring to do the same. Do not be afraid of these evil-doers for they will fight you. You must be brave. Teach them yourself what they need to learn; THE TRUTH!
- Get rid of your F-ing SSN. PERIOD! I can’t tell you how important this is. This is an absolute imperative. If however, you are of retirement age and you are fully dependant on this “income”, then at least tell your children to do this. If you are not relying on ever getting “Social Security” and you wish to be free, truly free, then ANY time someone says to you, you “HAVE TO” have and use that number, tell them verbally and in writing that they are wrong and refuse to comply. Even if this means you must “operate a motor vehicle without a license”, then so be it. It will be upon them to prove that you are guilty of a crime for doing so. You must fight them and prove by Affidavit and Notice of Default that you tried to comply but were refused a license because you did not wish to carry the “number and name of the beast”. There is no law requiring ANYONE to carry, acquire or use that number. If you doubt the accuracy of this statement, check for yourself. Read “The Great IRS Hoax” by Chris Hansen.
- Lawfully “declare” your free status and do it in an “official” way that “they” will recognize, so “they” cannot say you did not follow “proper procedures”. Make your declaration known to all. File it with the County recorder. They CANNOT refuse your request to file these documents or they face default and loss of their job or possible jail time.
- Join your local community’s city council or political committee so that you may influence others in your community who may not have this knowledge to do the right thing. Drag them kicking and screaming to the truth if you have to. Show them how you did it. Do not take “no” for an answer. Be strong, be not afraid.
- Go to your local town meetings, C.O.P. meetings, district meetings; whatever meetings you can find time for and get involved with what the evil-doers are foisting upon your LOCAL area. Ask the right questions to reveal the wrong-doers. Stop them in their tracks with petitions if that’s what it takes. Get rid of wasteful Union labor that has permeated every corner of government sub-contracting. Do not accept it as inevitable.
- Institute by suggestion and direct action, better and more ecological methods of handling trash and recycling in your community. Circulate petitions to get it done. Convince everyone you know to start their own garden and composting operations instead of stinking up the land in a “DUMP”. Teach everyone you know how to be a better contributor to the overall well-being of their community. This is more important than you might think.
- STOP PAYING INCOME TAXES that you do not owe. Do not assume that when the government says the word “YOU” that they mean you. They are LYING! They even have to lie to their own computers to get the computer to spit out a lien notice on someone’s bank account or home. They tell the computer that you are dealing in Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms without a license, under title 71 I believe, in order to accomplish this. Again, If you doubt the accuracy of this statement, check for yourself. Read “The Great IRS Hoax” by Chris Hansen.AND:
- Last but most certainly not least, REFUSE to sign your name to ANYTHING with which you do not agree, are fully informed of as to the details of the agreement and the nature of the full ramifications of. There is full support for this right under the Constitution, UCC 1-308 and Hale V. Hinkel, 1906 and even the simple logic that no one can force your hand to that piece of paper and make you sign ANYTHING, if you do not allow them to; PERIOD!
I have done or am doing, ALL OF THIS!
ANYONE who wants to shoot this down from now on better have tried it first before they make one more comment about what the F-ing law says or what some piece of Constitutional paper says. I don’t give a rat’s ass for talkers or the accuracy of some document someone else wrote; there doesn't seem to be consensus there anyway.
I have taken action, and I have been doing so since 1997. So as I said before, “walk a mile in my shoes”, THEN and ONLY THEN come back to me and tell me I’m wrong. We must all act in unison in some fashion or another; this is one way that I have tried and found to be quite an obstacle for the wrong-doers to hurdle.
Refuse to comply! PERIOD! Don’t take “NO” for an answer! Tell them all to shove it! Try it!
It’s that old saying, “Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it”.
I admire your tenacity but my own experience in promoting these ideals has found that it usually falls on deaf ears. Many say they are sympathetic but unwilling to upset their personal apple cart. Since 1999 we have attempted to assemble a like minded community, came close but ultimately failed. At this stage, I do my best to spread the word (including ways to keep a low profile lifestyle) via my newsletter, website, and blog...Bruce 'the Poor Man.'
You can use n.a. on documents you do not agree with such as W-4 forms. n.a. means non assumpsit. failed to undertake. Same thing as UCC 1-207 or UCC 1-308. They can change the statutes to make your documents look like jibberish, but they can't change non assumpsit.
Thank you, Morton for your words and living example of what we can and must do for ourselves, towns, counties, states and country. While I have not completed your list of nine items, I have spoken twice a month to our Board of Supervisors about the illegal Federal Reserve, ICLEI and Agenda 21's attempt to destroy our liberty and freedom, climate change and gun control among others. Mostly I am thought to be a conspiracy theorist but I continue on. I do grow some of my own food and I do recycle. I am preparing to do some the other things that you talked about in this article. Thanks again. Betty Walker
Morton I posted the following on the 53rd amendment thread page 17 as a reply to my original post concerning "boxing" your signature as exempt on a document they are THREATENING you to sign. I am also posting it here as BEWARE when you remove yourself don't put your signature in a box it is no good.
If you still doubt the drawing a BOX "exempt" around your name check this out. Someone who knows what I know sent me this. It is a voter registration CANCELLATION...
What do you notice around the signature line?????? Think you were removed?
Thank you for the great research Rosanna,
And I read your court briefs. I would love to know what will come of it. These people need to pay for what they are doing to you. Make them pay; go after their bonds or whatever you can do to make them think twice about trying this again.
I totally agree, and want to add one more helpful solution I learned from "Johnny Liberty". When some corporate slave tries to force you to do something that is not in compliance with the constitution, simply state in a very firm way: "Show me the law, the statute, the implementing regulation, that says I have to do ........whatever "they" are trying to shove down your throat.
Since I am not a corporate slave, statutes and codes don't apply to me, but they will get the message. Johnny liberty used this when "they" tried to tell him that he had to have a Social Security number to get a passport. He got his passport, without a number.
I do have a modification to this, as I am now dealing with in this law suit I am working on. You cannot always keep people from violating your rights, BUT you can hold them accountable after they have done their deed. And that is exactly what I am doing with this case. I am using Commercial Law, Uniform Bonding Code, and going after the corporate slave's bond. Then they will be on the street looking for a job where they are not absorbing the energies of the tax payer.
There is a book, Cracking the Code, Third Edition, ISBN 0-9717588-2-4, publisher: Better Book & Cassette of America,Tarzana, Ca. 91356......
" the intent of the authors in sharing this information is for furthering the causes of freedom, understanding, and happiness in accordance with such timeless principles as: "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free", and "He who helps others helps himself ".....
One of the VERY best literature investments I have made in 60 years of trying to understand and deal with this freedom bestowed upon us.,...
Being "Poor" is a frame of mind.
Being broke is a temporary financial situation.
Try your good ideas now that Cliven Bundy has broken the ice, publicly speaking, and see if some of your associates are waking up.
I generally agree with all that you have stated here. I appreciate your attitude. Just continue to educate even if many will not listen. It has always been the small minority who have changed the world.
I might even agree with your statements, but couldn't get past your 2nd F-ing