----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----



When a people are fed a bunch of lies in the public schools they become easy to control.  In order to control the American people the financial elite have pulled tje collective wool over the eyes of the millions of sheep.

The have convinced us that the Civil War was fought over slavery and that Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves. These are two of the biggest lies that have been promoted in our public schools.

We have been convinced that Abraham Lincoln was our greatest President and that his motives for invading the south were noble and just.

Anyone who takes the time to do a little research will discover that discover that he was a white supremacist and who wanted to abolish slavery in the western territories, and that he wanted to send the slaves back to Africa.

Lincoln's Inaugural Address

Not About Slavery

Emancipation Proclamation

Had the south agreed to emancipate their slaves before Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation, it is likely that Great Britain and France would have supported the Confederacy militarily.

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