Are federal reserve notes positive or negative flow of credit ? Negative . right ? So when you add up that column of numbers on your return ; the total at the bottom of the page should be a minus number . All Federal Reserve notes are debt instruments . yes ? Yes . You owe -0- This is grammar school arithmetic called negative and positive numbers .
Instead of getting rid of the IRS ; get them to work for you . Have them collect for you .
Although you may be right, getting them to work for you is a pipe dream. This is right in line with trying to prove that the sixteenth amendment was never ratified, therefore it is illegal.
Or the guy who paid his employees with antique US gold coins using the face value of the coins so they did not have to pay much in taxes. Even though he was right, court costs and frivolous lawsuits brought on by the US Government, were not worth the effort. Similar to what happened to Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska. You can't fight the existing laws. You have to get congress to represent you and pass new laws. Like H.R. 25
1.) It is VERY easy to prove that the 16th Amendment was never ratified by the States. My colleague, William Benson has about 17,000 STATE Sealed and Certified documents, in his possession, which proves that NOT EVEN CLOSE to the number of States needed to ratify voted for it. THE 17th Amendment as well, what's more.
2.) The only problem is that none of our elected REPUBLICAN or Democrat public usurpers wants to lose all of that money, STOLEN from our labor, with which they BOTH buy elections and campaign donations with from the American voting MOB, of their SELECTED special interest voting blocs, and from "THE KRONIES", respectively.
3.) But yet, clearly pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, our elected usurpers can only LAWFULLY spend money on the eighteen powers they were "DELEGATED" by the States, reserving all other powers and spending to themselves respectively, or the people.
4.) This means that the ONLY WAY TO RESTORE the RULE of OUR 9th and 10th Amendment laws which WE THE PEOPLE "ordained and established" upon THEM and their hired thugs, is for a goodly number of Americans to STAND with THOUSANDS of us Americans, our SIX HUNDRED 'Constitutional' Sheriffs and Peace Officers (, our over FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND Oath Keepers ( and our HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American Militia Freedom Forces ( in "SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION".
That's like asking a criminal in charge to sign a warrant for his own arrest...
---> You are encouraged to muster together 15 - 20+ voters from your State Assembly voting district, to call your State Assemblymen and State Senator ask him/her to "sponsor and facilitate the passage of" this Bill altered with the name of your State. ---> A week or so after your team, of whatever number, calls and sends a copy of this bill and the Executive Summary, you are encouraged to have them call every single week to see if they have reviewed and will be sponsoring the bill.
If our local hometown State Assemblyman or State Senator doesn't sponsor and/or help facilitate the passage of the bill, he will not get elected and will lose his job. PERIOD!
The plan is FAR, FAR, FAR more intricate than just calling. There are a WHOLE host of plans, orchestration, local hometown tactics, letters to the editor, all coordinated by 20 constitutionalists and a coordinator, with the help of the State HQ that WILL BE DONE to provide an absolute guarantee that if he doesn't work with us, he will not get elected.
We will be in every gas station, every store, every mall, every newspaper, every tavern, every movie theater, posters everywhere, even on the telephone poles, we will do burma shave on every main street in town, every place the Assemblyman / Senator goes, there will be NO ESCAPE. Every person in our hometowns will know exactly who to vote for or not vote for, because there will be literature, phone calls, door knocks, by our 20 Constitutionalists IN EVERY State Assembly voting District, that there will be NO ESCAPE. We will make this VERY VERY personal every person north of 17 years old, in our hometowns will KNOW what we can do and who to vote for.
politics or "elections" have been top down for decades, small communities won't "see" the full results until after the check mate from top ...metropolis are in charge, always have been, so gov't rules ALL by the few that are afforded an "election" that are "elected" ...nothing short of physical removal of everything above "governor" is gonna work now, and that means communities must muster before something similar to a sheriff of nottingham arrives in them all.
This has been going on for 50 years. Billboard advertisements in Alabama and Mississippi, promising Negroes no down housing and subsidies if they moved to California. Specifically Pomona, a Nixon stronghold of farmers, grovers and dairymen. This is how they have destroyed every White conservative area of the country. Iowa was too White and they did the same thing there. And so on for over 50 years. While we shed White blood on foreign soil, our country has been taken over. White patriots have been murdered, prosecuted, bankrupted and jailed in Federal prisons for warning their Brothers of this impending downfall of our Republic.
If WE control our local down the block, local State Assemblyman and State Senator and FORCE him/her by any and all means necessary to "SPONSOR and FACILITATE THE PASSAGE OF" our STATE JOINT SOVEREIGNTY RESOLUTION WITH ARREST PROVISION, THEN WE THE PEOPLE HAVE WON. IT WILL BE GAME OVER.
All we have to do is worry and HANDLE our local hometown State Assemblyman/Senator. That is all WE have to do. Each State Assembly Voting District can manhandle, by threat of the vote or non-vote AND help or election war in each SAVD, their elected and/or wannabe elected Assemblyman and State Senator.
You are thinking WAY too complicated. We need to break this WHOLE DISCUSSION down to our local HOMETOWN SAVD.
We still need the AMERICAN Militia Freedom Forces, MY Brothers and Sisters in Arms, like when I served a three week + tour of duty in Bunkerville Nevada at the Battle of Bunkerville last year, to back up our CSPOA, as necessary when our County Sheriff calls us up, to ENFORCE and arrest Federal agents operating in our home Country and spending money on things and/or exercising powers usurped, that exceed the eighteen powers and spending privileges our State DELEGATED, by extension, upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and despots, with ALL other powers and spending "reserved to the States respectively, or the people" - TENTH Amendment
And, of course, Income Taxes, according to The Supreme Court DOES NOT APPLY to Americans.
If WE control our local down the block, local State Assemblyman and State Senator and FORCE him/her by any and all means necessary to "SPONSOR and FACILITATE THE PASSAGE OF" our STATE JOINT SOVEREIGNTY RESOLUTION WITH ARREST PROVISION, THEN WE THE PEOPLE HAVE WON. IT WILL BE GAME OVER.
All we have to do is worry and HANDLE our local hometown State Assemblyman/Senator. That is all WE have to do. Each State Assembly Voting District can manhandle, by threat of the vote or non-vote AND help or election war in each SAVD, their elected and/or wannabe elected Assemblyman and State Senator.
You are thinking WAY too complicated. We need to break this WHOLE DISCUSSION down to our local HOMETOWN SAVD.
We still need the AMERICAN Militia Freedom Forces, MY Brothers and Sisters in Arms, like when I served a three week + tour of duty in Bunkerville Nevada at the Battle of Bunkerville last year, to back up our CSPOA, as necessary when our County Sheriff calls us up, to ENFORCE and arrest Federal agents operating in our home Countries, which form "a more perfect Union" of Fifty free, independent and sovereign "States", who refuses to cease and desist, pursuant to the nullification/s, spending money on things and/or exercising powers usurped, that exceed the eighteen powers and spending privileges our State DELEGATED, by extension, upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and despots, with ALL other powers and spending "reserved to the States respectively, or the people" - TENTH Amendment
And, of course, Income Taxes, according to The Supreme Court DOES NOT APPLY to Americans.
STAND with THOUSANDS of US Americans, our SIX HUNDRED 'Constitutional' Sheriffs and Peace Officers (, our over FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND Oath Keepers ( and our HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American Militia Freedom Forces in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION. Sign up here:
So why weren't and aren't the sheriffs calling all hands on deck (especially militias) for arrest of the "elected" for violations, abuses, usurpations, etc. of the constitution? ...they never have! ...because they work for the gov't and always have, hence as the gov't goes so do all "under" it ...slowly but surely most good sheriffs have been weeded out, the vast majority now are clueless yes "men" and/or as or more corrupt than whom they serve ...and the few remaining constitutional sheriffs (600 out of 3100 I guess) cannot possibly network all of the willing communities, what's more doing so is waaay beyond their call of duty**, that was and still is the Committee of Safety (COS) responsibility. COS were a hub and spoke network of communities, they were a behind the scenes foundation of all American government, hubs and spokes (or nodes) of the entire American security network. COS have essentially vanished as soon as the ink on the constitution dried (financial pressures), because the new system of (secondary) gov’t was going to take care of everything (source of finance). Gov’t went topsy turvey, the secondary became primary (having no finances COS became irrelevant) and that’s about when Thomas Jefferson made his “tree of liberty” quote (1787), about the same time they (and we) went back to the monolithic form of gov’t everyone escaped in their recent past. I’m not saying The Original Constitutional gov’t is entirely bad, but it should never be above our primary gov’t, COS, which must be re-established ASAP and maintained in perpetuity.
**their basic function dates back to the origins of the title in feudal England.
Are federal reserve notes positive or negative flow of credit ? Negative . right ? So when you add up that column of numbers on your return ; the total at the bottom of the page should be a minus number . All Federal Reserve notes are debt instruments . yes ? Yes . You owe -0- This is grammar school arithmetic called negative and positive numbers .
Instead of getting rid of the IRS ; get them to work for you . Have them collect for you .
Although you may be right, getting them to work for you is a pipe dream. This is right in line with trying to prove that the sixteenth amendment was never ratified, therefore it is illegal.
Or the guy who paid his employees with antique US gold coins using the face value of the coins so they did not have to pay much in taxes. Even though he was right, court costs and frivolous lawsuits brought on by the US Government, were not worth the effort. Similar to what happened to Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska. You can't fight the existing laws. You have to get congress to represent you and pass new laws. Like H.R. 25
1.) It is VERY easy to prove that the 16th Amendment was never ratified by the States. My colleague, William Benson has about 17,000 STATE Sealed and Certified documents, in his possession, which proves that NOT EVEN CLOSE to the number of States needed to ratify voted for it. THE 17th Amendment as well, what's more.
2.) The only problem is that none of our elected REPUBLICAN or Democrat public usurpers wants to lose all of that money, STOLEN from our labor, with which they BOTH buy elections and campaign donations with from the American voting MOB, of their SELECTED special interest voting blocs, and from "THE KRONIES", respectively.
3.) But yet, clearly pursuant to our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, our elected usurpers can only LAWFULLY spend money on the eighteen powers they were "DELEGATED" by the States, reserving all other powers and spending to themselves respectively, or the people.
4.) This means that the ONLY WAY TO RESTORE the RULE of OUR 9th and 10th Amendment laws which WE THE PEOPLE "ordained and established" upon THEM and their hired thugs, is for a goodly number of Americans to STAND with THOUSANDS of us Americans, our SIX HUNDRED 'Constitutional' Sheriffs and Peace Officers (, our over FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND Oath Keepers ( and our HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American Militia Freedom Forces ( in "SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION".
Learn more and STAND with US in SOLIDARITY here:
- Capt. Karl
That's like asking a criminal in charge to sign a warrant for his own arrest...
If our local hometown State Assemblyman or State Senator doesn't sponsor and/or help facilitate the passage of the bill, he will not get elected and will lose his job. PERIOD!
The plan is FAR, FAR, FAR more intricate than just calling. There are a WHOLE host of plans, orchestration, local hometown tactics, letters to the editor, all coordinated by 20 constitutionalists and a coordinator, with the help of the State HQ that WILL BE DONE to provide an absolute guarantee that if he doesn't work with us, he will not get elected.
We will be in every gas station, every store, every mall, every newspaper, every tavern, every movie theater, posters everywhere, even on the telephone poles, we will do burma shave on every main street in town, every place the Assemblyman / Senator goes, there will be NO ESCAPE. Every person in our hometowns will know exactly who to vote for or not vote for, because there will be literature, phone calls, door knocks, by our 20 Constitutionalists IN EVERY State Assembly voting District, that there will be NO ESCAPE. We will make this VERY VERY personal every person north of 17 years old, in our hometowns will KNOW what we can do and who to vote for.
To US they are negative, to them (gov't) they are positive ...any way you look at it, WE work for them.
This has been going on for 50 years. Billboard advertisements in Alabama and Mississippi, promising Negroes no down housing and subsidies if they moved to California. Specifically Pomona, a Nixon stronghold of farmers, grovers and dairymen. This is how they have destroyed every White conservative area of the country. Iowa was too White and they did the same thing there. And so on for over 50 years. While we shed White blood on foreign soil, our country has been taken over. White patriots have been murdered, prosecuted, bankrupted and jailed in Federal prisons for warning their Brothers of this impending downfall of our Republic.
If WE control our local down the block, local State Assemblyman and State Senator and FORCE him/her by any and all means necessary to "SPONSOR and FACILITATE THE PASSAGE OF" our STATE JOINT SOVEREIGNTY RESOLUTION WITH ARREST PROVISION, THEN WE THE PEOPLE HAVE WON. IT WILL BE GAME OVER.
All we have to do is worry and HANDLE our local hometown State Assemblyman/Senator. That is all WE have to do. Each State Assembly Voting District can manhandle, by threat of the vote or non-vote AND help or election war in each SAVD, their elected and/or wannabe elected Assemblyman and State Senator.
You are thinking WAY too complicated. We need to break this WHOLE DISCUSSION down to our local HOMETOWN SAVD.
We still need the AMERICAN Militia Freedom Forces, MY Brothers and Sisters in Arms, like when I served a three week + tour of duty in Bunkerville Nevada at the Battle of Bunkerville last year, to back up our CSPOA, as necessary when our County Sheriff calls us up, to ENFORCE and arrest Federal agents operating in our home Country and spending money on things and/or exercising powers usurped, that exceed the eighteen powers and spending privileges our State DELEGATED, by extension, upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and despots, with ALL other powers and spending "reserved to the States respectively, or the people" - TENTH Amendment
And, of course, Income Taxes, according to The Supreme Court DOES NOT APPLY to Americans.
If WE control our local down the block, local State Assemblyman and State Senator and FORCE him/her by any and all means necessary to "SPONSOR and FACILITATE THE PASSAGE OF" our STATE JOINT SOVEREIGNTY RESOLUTION WITH ARREST PROVISION, THEN WE THE PEOPLE HAVE WON. IT WILL BE GAME OVER.
All we have to do is worry and HANDLE our local hometown State Assemblyman/Senator. That is all WE have to do. Each State Assembly Voting District can manhandle, by threat of the vote or non-vote AND help or election war in each SAVD, their elected and/or wannabe elected Assemblyman and State Senator.
You are thinking WAY too complicated. We need to break this WHOLE DISCUSSION down to our local HOMETOWN SAVD.
We still need the AMERICAN Militia Freedom Forces, MY Brothers and Sisters in Arms, like when I served a three week + tour of duty in Bunkerville Nevada at the Battle of Bunkerville last year, to back up our CSPOA, as necessary when our County Sheriff calls us up, to ENFORCE and arrest Federal agents operating in our home Countries, which form "a more perfect Union" of Fifty free, independent and sovereign "States", who refuses to cease and desist, pursuant to the nullification/s, spending money on things and/or exercising powers usurped, that exceed the eighteen powers and spending privileges our State DELEGATED, by extension, upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers and despots, with ALL other powers and spending "reserved to the States respectively, or the people" - TENTH Amendment
And, of course, Income Taxes, according to The Supreme Court DOES NOT APPLY to Americans.
STAND with THOUSANDS of US Americans, our SIX HUNDRED 'Constitutional' Sheriffs and Peace Officers (, our over FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND Oath Keepers ( and our HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of American Militia Freedom Forces in SOLIDARITY for Ninth and TENTH Amendments COALITION. Sign up here:
So why weren't and aren't the sheriffs calling all hands on deck (especially militias) for arrest of the "elected" for violations, abuses, usurpations, etc. of the constitution? ...they never have! ...because they work for the gov't and always have, hence as the gov't goes so do all "under" it ...slowly but surely most good sheriffs have been weeded out, the vast majority now are clueless yes "men" and/or as or more corrupt than whom they serve ...and the few remaining constitutional sheriffs (600 out of 3100 I guess) cannot possibly network all of the willing communities, what's more doing so is waaay beyond their call of duty**, that was and still is the Committee of Safety (COS) responsibility. COS were a hub and spoke network of communities, they were a behind the scenes foundation of all American government, hubs and spokes (or nodes) of the entire American security network. COS have essentially vanished as soon as the ink on the constitution dried (financial pressures), because the new system of (secondary) gov’t was going to take care of everything (source of finance). Gov’t went topsy turvey, the secondary became primary (having no finances COS became irrelevant) and that’s about when Thomas Jefferson made his “tree of liberty” quote (1787), about the same time they (and we) went back to the monolithic form of gov’t everyone escaped in their recent past. I’m not saying The Original Constitutional gov’t is entirely bad, but it should never be above our primary gov’t, COS, which must be re-established ASAP and maintained in perpetuity.
**their basic function dates back to the origins of the title in feudal England.