----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Agenda 21 - Sustainable?

The U.N. & Agenda 21 

8575491680?profile=originalAs if the governmental regulations already in place weren't enough, now we have to be concerned that Obama and this Administration are working feverishly to herd us like cattle into areas of “sustainable development”. Yes people, Agenda 21 is not about the environment or even trying to sustain anything except the power structure of the Elite and Entitled.

These guys are setting up whole cities with no people there. Look at a Google Maps overview of North Korea. Go to the city of Pyongyang. Look at all the buildings and skyscrapers, freeways and roads, parking lots and industrial areas; and?; NO cars on the roads, only a few trucks, here and there. NO people walking around, NONE. NO activity of any kind whatsoever. What is going on there? Don’t take my word for it. Google - “Ghost Cities” anywhere in the world and see for yourself. All of this decided in Rio De Janiero, Brazil, supposedly for the purpose of saving the environment and other such nonsense.

If you believe we own ourselves and our property then perhaps you should spend some time watching the first video, "What is Agenda 21?" and subsequent videos after if you have time. There's more than one here.

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  • I saw a documentary on TV about this a couple weeks ago. It was pretty insane. A lot of people investing in this commercial real estate without any business to support it, just investment real estate. It was absolutely nuts. And yet there were lots of poverty stricken people who desperately needed help in  other areas.

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