----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • One must exercise some amount of caution when addressing Corporations for it is easy to misuse the term from the time of Kings versus the modern Corporation.

    In the time of Kings the Corporation was a LICENSE to be the only entity that could conduct any business in a defined territory of the empire. Like the East Indian Company was the sole business of importer and exporter for India and most of that part of the world. 

    Today the Corporation is a business venture mainly for financing - an example would be farming - when farms started to automate the cost of the equipment, tractors, land planes, tillers, harvesters and trucks became un-affordable for even the middle sized farm. This meant the an opportunity for stock trading companies we now call hedge funds could buy the land and use the economies of scale to their benefit.

    This changed farming forever huge automated farms eliminated millions of jobs around the earth. This same principle applies to all business from manufacturing to retail sales. Corporations must now compete for market share which drives share prices and inventing new methods to lower costs. Lower costs means increased market shares and thus many small to medium businesses are forced to close.

    So, we can say the end result is similar but no business is granted a sole license to conduct all trade in one area. Competition like in the auto industry  resulted in the price of a car in 1900 to be reduced from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000 down to $ 600 when Ford invented the assembly line.

    Modern Corporations are financing tools for industries and businesses they allow companies to be formed and to expand as quickly as they can create demand. So the Corporate form of business has benefited mankind more than any other single idea.

    Free enterprise business and free capital markets without being regulated and ruled to death by governments have and will out produce any other method of wealth creation.

  • The Dawn of the Politics of Personal Destruction, eh?

    • Keep in mind that most of us own Corporations stocks in retirement funds, mutual funds, insurance policies and even direct investment or hold stock options from our employers.

      There need not be any personal destruction IMO if we get the Governments out of the regulating and making rules to reward or punish industries. Like coal V solar wind.

      By the way stop making business collect taxes for free for the various governments - a business can not pay taxes - the end consumer pays the taxes plus the overhead costs. The big Democrat lie we will tax those evil corporations like Obama is trying to do at present, 

      If he make a rule that Corporations have to pay double taxes on amounts earned over seas all Corporation will become foreign owned and wall street will be gone.

      • Magnus,

        When I said, "The Dawn of the Politics of Personal Destruction", I was referring to the relationship between Hamilton and Jefferson in it's later incarnation. Mainly because that seems to be the very beginning of the political split in basic opinion with "Mr. Big" Everything, Alexander compared to Mr. "Farmer Joe" Jefferson.

        One Party called the Republicans and the other called Federalists. Then began that PPD>Eh? They would accuse the other of even such far fetched things as being dead or crazy, hence the eventual "Dual of Honor" between Hamilton and Burr. The one Hamilton lost.

        Talk about personal destruction; it would seem Alexander needed no help there.

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