Who Do You Trust?
- Do you trust that your federal government has your best interests in mind?
- Do you trust the federal government to spend your money wisely?
- Do you trust them to be men of honor?
- Do you trust that they can actually speak for over 700,000 people and address their concerns accurately?
- Do you trust that the federal government makes rules that protect your rights?
- Do you trust that the government is protecting your borders?
- Do you trust the federal government to follow the Constitution?
- Do you trust that we live under the restrictions of the Constitution?
- Do you trust the federal government to define it's own code of behaviour?
- Do you trust that they are following the first ten amendments?
- Do you trust them in "The War on Drugs"?
- Do you trust them to carry the torch of true freedom for you?
- Do you trust that your voice is being heard on "Capitol Hill"?
- Do you trust the federal government to always do the right thing?
- Do you trust them to even watch your dog?
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, you're on the wrong website. If you trust that the federal government is now a Socialist run Marxist vision in full force today, then you're right where you belong. Congratulations!
Welcome to Reality!
Comments? Conclusions?
I just assumed they were rhetorical questions.
The same questions can be addressed to the legislators in our states. It is time for the people to step up and take responsibility. If we don't hold the government officials accountable for their abuse of power we have no one to blame but ourselves.