I think we all agree that the national government has become tyrannical and We the People have a right to alter, abolish or submit to tyranny.
The Constitution which was written prevent the abuse of power by the national government. The Constitution has failed because we the people have failed to hold our elected officials accountable.
We don't need to amend the Constitution as much as we need to enforce it.
The founding fathers provided us with a method of peacefully amending the Constitution. In Article V they provided us with a process to amend the Constitution.
In order to amend the Constitution, two thirds of the members of the House and Senate must vote in favor of a proposed amendment. Then it requires three fourths of the states to vote in favor of the proposed amendment,
If we fail to use this process we are forced to submit to governmental tyranny.
According to the provision found in Article V in order to amend the Constitution three fourths of the states must agree. This would make it virtually impossible for a proposed amendment to be ratified that would threaten our lives, liberty and property.