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  • Let's just stop using the SPIN term "Mainstream Media".

    The proper term is "Legacy Media".

    The term "Legacy" refers to something that is outdated and only kept around for archival purposes. The "Legacy Media" fits that definition, since they are outdated, but have decades worth of valuable archived, copyrighted information. Like a legacy mainframe computer that a company keeps in the basement, for a few years after it becomes obsolete, we can keep the "Legacy Media" in the metaphorical news basement, till all of that old data makes its way into the public domain.

  • In most business, the term legacy is used to refer to things that are out of date, but still have LIMITED value. Legacy auto parts are still stored in out-of-the-way warehouses, for vehicles going back for decades. Legacy computers still sit in basements, gathering dust, for the most part, awaiting an audit or law suit that requires data from 20 years ago. The 4:3 TV screen ratio is considered to be a legacy screen format. It will stay around for some time, only because people would rather watch Perry Mason, Bewitched, and Murder She Wrote reruns, than most contemporary programming. In general, in the business world, "Legacy" refers to something old, out-of-date, and costly, but of limited value, that they have to keep around, though they would really like to get rid of.

    That definition pretty well nails CNN, CBS, the NYT, the LAT, etc…

    Furthermore, by using a derogatory term, like "Lame Stream" (however well deserved), you alienate those who may still believe those propaganda outlets. Once you alienate people, it becomes exceedingly difficult to ever get them to listen to even the most immaculate reason. By contrast, the term "Legacy Media" shows respect for their past glory (like the IBM mainframe that used to be the company's workhorse, but now stands silently and cold, in the basement), but also subtlety signifies that those old media giants are no longer the accurate reporting giants that they once were.

    The new media is WorldNet Daily, Breibart, and even Drudge. But we can still keep the Legacy Media in the basement, in case we should ever have reason to access the old data that they collected, decades before the new media came into existence. But we should probably turn off the basement lights, when we aren't using them. 8^)

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