----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The federal government made a promise…

…to transfer title to the public lands – it honored the promise with all states east of Colorado even though many of those states were as much as 90% controlled by the federal government for decades. They were successful in compelling congress to transfer their lands.

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  • I thought you might be interested in this article:

    Officials from nine Western states met in Salt Lake City on Friday to discuss taking control of federal lands within their borders.


  • Antz is one of my favorite movies. I put it in just to listen to it. Z is great. I also like Bee Movie. It reminds me what just ONE person can start. Then what we can do as a WHOLE!  

    I keep entertaining the following thoughts:

    1. what if we got all states to accept "gold and silver" as currency. Poof there goes FIAT money?

    2. What if we enforced the ORIGINAL 13th amendment be put back in the books after they removed it illegally and all the THIEVES left town?

    3. What if VIRGINIA took back THEIR land they gave the District of Criminals because they failed to keep their agreement and OBEY the Constitution? (yes from what we found that was a stipulation)

    There are many more but I think you get the point.......

    • Rosanna,

      You have some very valid ideas!

      I am using the original 13th Amendment in my law suits. It was not lawfully removed, therefore it is still legitimately in place!

    • Rosanna M

      You asked “what if we got all states to accept "gold and silver" as currency?” Then you answered your question.  “Poof there goes FIAT money.”   

      That was a very good question and yes your answer might be partially right. However, I would suggest you do a little more research before you accept your answer as the whole answer. 

      You need to look into how much gold and silver there is compared the number of people and the amount of goods that’s needs to move in commerce.

       If we all tried to all go forth and accept only gold and silver as our only currency, the whole world wide economy would collapse in less than a week.  

      Very few people would have that currency and no way to get any of it.

      • All the gold ever produced in all of history and add all the silver ever produced and you would not have enough for each person to have enough to buy a single loaf of bread. It could support several minutes global commerce.

        We can never return to a hard value asset based barter system. Google Talley stick and other forms of fiat stores of value so trade could be accomplished.

        • Yes Bryon you and Mangus are partially right that nobody could live on it with the FRIVOULOUS spending that brought us to this mess.

          Many people would have to start REALLY working (what a novel idea)..

          That bread would have to be MADE BY HAND... That food would have to be grown and processed on your own land. You would have to fix it for meals instead of going out to eat. Those clothes might have to be washed by hand. Shoot you might have to sit around a campfire with your family entertaining yourself with a instrument you studied instead of going out for it. etc. etc etc There would be a lot of bartering going on.

          But the gold that is stored away that nobody even can fathom would have to be pulled out of those storage dungeons from those rich banksters.....

          Does anybody remember the story of The Little Red Hen? I have no clue why but it was always my favorite childhood story. Maybe I was more perceptive then than I realized.

          • RM,

            Your concept of the good old days are gone forever - we now have 330 million in America and the dense population areas can not be self supporting if they must feed and clothe themselves with work on the land.

            It gets worse in Europe and Asia. we now have 7 billion to feed so automated agribusiness is the only way we can produce enough food. No there is no going back for there is no tomorrow as today is mostly gone.

            If that happened where we returned to the farming and barter there would be hordes of uneducated mongol like heathens raiding and killing the farmers for the food and the society would collapse. Look at South America over the last 100 years, Africa and Asia - all the same governments come and go and death and destruction is the product of rejection and hunger. 

            • That's funny because people were better educated back in the 1800's than they are today. Kids today couldn't pass the tests they took back then.

              I remember when Keith wrote a article about this very subject of bartering, pay as you go, keep it local, etc etc.

            • M. C.

              You are right governments come and go but the banking and money system stays the same.  Nothing will change until the people wake up, band together and take the power to create money away from the bankers

      • then you bring out the miners they can soon replentish the gold and silver and even upgrade with platinum.  Did you know that much  of the platinum in the last 10 years that is said to be mined from South Africa Came from Montana and Idaho? Did you know that my mine has more platinum than the Montana Still water complex,  yet the Forest service plays a role in keeping that information quiet?

        Did you know that  Idaho has the most super fine gold in the world? That I have a patent that the BLM and Forest service would kill me to have?

        I look at what I wrote just then and asked myself why would others believe me. assays of our material are netting 10 ounces of just platinum per ton but the procedure to get that is

        very difficult, in fact extremely difficult.      Orms  are metals which are not yet formed,  ions of Gold and silver inundate our streams. the Geological work in this county is severely lacking

        No we are being fed a poisonous amount of disinformation and its killing our Republic, as it stifles our ability to manufacture needed materials, and maintain needed jobs. >nuff said<.

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