American Resistance Party Platform
On this day of December 3, 2012 we declare:

"We are the last line of defense
against the GOP & Democrat Socialists."

1) We believe in God and Jesus Christ.
We welcome all the religions that love America and respect our way of life.

This statement is not consistent with the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Never once in either document is the name of Jesus Christ even mentioned.

2) We respect our U. S. Constitution and believe it is the Supreme Law of the Land ( and there is no such thing as implied powers, if a power is not enumerated in the Constitution, it does not exist.)

3) The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves, their family and their community and this right shall not be questioned.

4) We support our Troops when they are authorized to be used in a Constitutional manner (i.e. declaration of War by Congress) (When the troop are used to defend our nation against invasion, not merely a potential threat.)

5) We believe in the security of our National Borders and we support only a legal and a controlled immigration. Illegal aliens must be removed by offering bounties on illegals, and bounties on US businesses and US Churches that harbor “illegals” within our States, Counties and Cities.         ( use the word lawful not legal )

6) We believe that WE THE PEOPLE rule and the politicians must obey to our will, not the opposite. ( They must honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.)

7) We believe that socialism and communism manifestos are contrary to the U.S. Constitution.

8) We believe in our Flag should be treated with respect at all times. (We need to defend the principles of liberty not a piece of cloth.)

9) We believe that the unborn are protected by our Constitution’s Preamble when it refers to the “…Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity…” Of the three unalienable rights, the first one listed in the Declaration of Independence is life because it is the most important right.

10) We believe that “Free Enterprise” made this Country great.

11) We believe that the Family can do better than the State in spending our money. The taxes to run our State and Federal Government should not exceed 1% of any families income. (All taxes should be Constitutional, no direct and/or unapportioned taxes. The states should be taxed by the national government based upon their respective populations. Absolutely xero income taxes paid to the central government)

12) We believe that our Federal Government is consistently on the wrong path and it is part of the Globalist New World Order that is trying to destroy America from within!

13) We believe that the word "minority" is always "relative" and very offensive... We are all Americans, with the same rights and the same duties, regardless our ethnic background. (We believe that everyone on the planet was born with the same God given rights and that the initiation of force against any of them is a violation of the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.)

14) We believe that the United Nations is a threat to our Republic, our Constitution and to our Freedom.

15) We believe that the Federal Reserve is not Federal at all and it is a fraudulent and unconstitutional entity.

16) We believe that Barry Soetoro (aka BHO) is an illegal alien, and is not qualified to be President of the united States. (eligible)

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