Are You a Citizen of a Sovereign?
Once upon a time the people living in the united States were sovereign and then after the ratification of the 14th Amendment we became Citizens of the UNITED STATES. As sovereigns we had God given rights, but when we became Citizens we became subjects to the jurisdiction of the corporate UNITED STATES, and our unalienable rights became privileges granted to us by the government.
The Civil War was not a war between the states, it was a war against the states. An oligarchy of the bankers, lawyers and Wall Street corporations conducted a hostile takeover and have turned a free people into perpetual debt slaves. The government compels citizens to do as they are told or suffer the consequence if they don't. The governnent was created to protect our rights, not to bury us with endless regulations and mountains of debt.
We the people elect the members of Congress, but they take their marching orders from those who finance their elections. The financial elite purchase the Congressional seats sell them to politiicans who masquerde as public servants. When people fear what will happen to them if we refure to comply they become the victims of tyranny. When we comply with unjust laws, we give our consent. A just man or women will refuse of obey a law that violates the life, liberty or property of another human being.
And yet, that is what we have. Mother May I live free with liberty in America?
No, not anymore.