----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Arnie Rosner Gone - But Not Forgotten


January 23, 1937 - January 27, 2020

If Arnie were put on trial for being a patriot, there would be plenty of evidence to convict him. He was a man of great wisdom and integrity. He was as tenacious as a pit bull and  courageous as the men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Although his Earthly journey is over he will not be forgotten. In my opinion his commitment to the restoration of our Republic was enormous.

Keith Broaders

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  • Thank you for letting me know that Arnie has passed, Keith. Here are links to his obituaries: https://tinyurl.com/tuq42pq

    I am amazed that there are no details of Arnie's life in his "obituaries". He was a dear friend and a prominent leader in the fight to reclaim America by true patriots. His monumental work at scannedretina.com is perhaps his best obituary.


    obituary Arnold Beryl Rosner - Google Search
  • Steve, my apologies but I could not find much information on Arnie with the links that you sent> 

    • No apology needed, James. As I said:

           "I am amazed that there are no details of Arnie's life in his 'obituaries'".

      If you find better obituaries, please point me to the URLs.

      In the meantime, "His monumental work at scannedretina.com is perhaps his best obituary".

      All best wishes, -Steve-

      Scanned Retina – SCANNED RETINA A Resource For The People
  • What is to become of scannedretina.com. Is it set up as a trust? Somebody call Jacquie.

    Scanned Retina – SCANNED RETINA A Resource For The People
    • Good thoughts, Mort. What would it take to archive the entire site?

      I don't know Jacquie (sp?) or whether she is able to respond to email sent to 

      ARNIE ROSNER <arnie@*.com> If you need that address, I can provide it via private email.


      • Sorry Steve,

        I thought everybody knew Jacquie Figg. She is a known figure in the fight for sovereignty and freedom in America. She espouses the Anna Von Reitz idea of being an American National, etc. "Citizenship" and all that.

        Just click the link for more.

        • Thanks, Mort!

          I'm obviously not everybody. ;-)

          Thanks for the Jacqui-related URLs; I'll study her out. I was thinking that she must have been Arnie's wife.

          I have worked with Anna (for instance, please see   https://scannedretina.com/2014/07/24/client-langford-of-arizona-bil...and https://scannedretina.com/2016/06/28/28-jun16-steve-langford-public... ) and remain close to her, passing along "annavonreitz.com" at every possible opportunity. I wish I were smart enough to have memorized all she has taught.

          Anyway, somehow, I missed knowing of Jacquie Figg's work. Thanks again for your guidance! :-) -Steve- 

          Page not found – Scanned Retina
          • Ya the reason I mentioned Jacquie is because she knows about trusts and all that. I was referencing that when I said call Jacquie. So that they could set it up as a trust if it wasn't already. That's all.

  • thanks for your reply Stephen

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