----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Ask The Right Question



The Questions Nobody Ever Asks

How many questions does it take to find the source of evil? Have we found it yet? Have we asked enough questions? Have we found enough answers? If not, why not? Why does it seem like we're always asking the same questions? Why haven't we come up with the right answers?

Well maybe it's because we haven't asked the right questions. So I decided to try to ask the questions nobody's asking. Like,

  1. By what authority does ANYONE in the federal government deem to have the power to completely overrule Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, Sentence 3, whereupon it is written, in pertinent part that; "Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand,.."? Congress passing a "law", setting the limit at an unalterable 435 Representatives in Congress, or even allowing in any way, up or down, the set rational limit described, (1/30,000), to be altered is a violation of this clause. Period! So other questions logically arise;
  2. Knowing this, what do we do now?
  3. How many unfilled Congressional seats are we supposed to have?
  4. How do we fill those seats?
  5. By what measure can we now trust our own government to assist us in any way in solving this problem or even admitting its existence?
  6. How does this tie in with the War Powers Act which, in Paragraph 5b, includes language which now puts ALL AMERICANS in the category of "enemy", as explained in Senate Report 93-549; "Since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and... control the lives of all American citizens".
  7.  Are we now supposed to consider ourselves the enemy because of this?
  8. Is this Act still in force today? Has it ever been rescinded?
  9. With no real Representation in Congress at this time, how is this knowledge going to get out?
  10. How do we fill these seats?
  11. Do we need an emergency election for THIS?
  12. What would happen if suddenly, three hundred Congressmen were killed or simultaneously resigned; how would THOSE seats be filled?
  13. Would someone call for an emergency election for THAT?

I realize there are a million questions which everybody is either afraid to ask, too ill-informed to ask, too busy to ask, or already has asked a million times. The real question is this.

If we believe that everything I just said, is in fact happening, then what do we do about it and when do we start?

I believe David Zuniga has already worked out some of the structure we need, to accomplish much of this and answer many of these questions. Remember though, I never ask a question, to which I don't already have the answer. With that, I defer to Y'all.

Comments? Questions? Answer? Replies?

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  • The main issue with current elected politicians is that if they are not dishonest at the time they are elected, they very quickly become very dishonest and crooked and super wealthy at the expense of the American people. How do we get around that issue?

  • First off,

    We have been under martial law since Lincoln declared it at the outset of the southern states war for revolution. People believe what they have been indoctrinated to believe, reference the CIVIL WAR. It was a revolutionary war the southern states were fighting over the Constitutional form of government. They were fighting against the tyranny they saw coming . Starting with the way they had just decided to make laws against slavery.

    Slavery was guaranteed in the constitution, wrong or not, The northern representatives were working against this constitutional guaranteed right. Lincoln never even won the nomination. He wasn't even a front runner in the first 2 votes of the electoral college. He was chosen and appointed. This was when they began the true overthrow of our constitution. Since this time we have been under martial law.

    Lincoln never cancelled it and no President since has. It is what allows them to maintain the standing army. Everything they do as far as elections is all just fluff and pomp to keep the American people thinking they still have some say. The President writing executive orders makes him the same as a dictator, He makes laws without being brought up and voted on in Congress as ordered by the Constitution. They have their debates in Congress to make it look like it is real and then they follow the orders of those who own us.

    The owners of this great corporation we live, work and die for started the Federal Reserve Banking system to take final control of us. Ever since then it is just games for us to see and believe in, while they sit and indoctrinate us all. Once they have us indoctrinated strong enough that they can keep us coddled; sheep going day by day working as cogs in the great machine they have built. I believe they will start eliminating the poorer class. Those they don't need any longer.

    They bred the poor and criminal class demanding everything be given or they take so that people would welcome the  "law enforcement" to be and to restrict their rights and privileges so they can be safe. Even today most people believe that if something is going on just call police. Stay in your home and be safe till police take care of it.

    People used to have to rally together to take care of problems in their community. They used to take responsibility for looking after each other. We now pay astronomical amounts of money funding large police, "corporate security teams" , forces. They even have begun militarizing the police with actual military equipment. Who will these police be fighting with all the military equipment? They will be fighting you if you don't stay a nice cog in their machine.

    • Mostly true but some facts appear to be distorted.  The corporation the writer is referring to got it's beginning in about 1907 - 1913 on Jeykll Island.  Here is info on some of those who appear to have begun the killing of America and it's people and descendants of those are still living and continuing the destruction. 

      Several banking leaders including Jekyll Island Club members George F. Baker, president of the First National Bank, and James Stillman, president of National City Bank, met with financier J. Pierpont Morgan and began examining the assets of the troubled institutions. A decision was made to offer loans to any of the banks that were solvent. The secretary of the treasury George B. Cortelyou was eager to divert the situation and offered the New York bankers use of government funds to help prevent an economic disaster.

      President Theodore Roosevelt, while the panic of 1907 transpired, was on a hunting trip in Louisiana. Ron Chernow in his book "The Death of the Banker" offers this account of the 1907 Panic,

      "In the following days, acting like a one-man Federal Reserve system, [J. Pierpont] Morgan decided which firms would fail and which survive. Through a non stop flurry of meetings, he organized rescues of banks and trust companies, averted a shutdown of the New York Stock Exchange, and engineered a financial bailout of New York City."

      In the end, the panic was blocked and several young bankers including Henry P. Davison and Benjamin Strong Jr. were recognized for their work organizing personnel and determining the liquidity of the banks involved in the crises. In 1908 J. Pierpont Morgan asked Henry P. Davison to become a partner in his firm J. P. Morgan & Co. and in 1914 Benjamin Strong Jr. was selected to be the first president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  This was taken from the history of jeykll Island by Tyler E Bagwell's website.

      Many other websites also back up these statements.

      • Jekyll island is where our owners gathered and designed our financial chains. These chains bind us and make us full slaves to them.  I did not give the date for the Federal Reserve, I just said that was when they put the financial controls on.

        Every green slip of paper that we have been told is money are truly letters of debt to the masters who rule our nation. Not real money. That is why it is labeled Federal Reserve Note. Our money says "this note is legal tender for all debts". That is because it is just passing one bill on for another bill.

        As someone has explained to me before due to fractional banking, the banks have trillions more in money loaned out and in use than really exists. It is why the government made it illegal to withdraw to much "money" from the system/bank or any form of financial revenue.

        They also make it illegal for you to talk to others about going as a group and trying to withdraw money at the same time. If people started wanting to just take their alleged money out of the system and not just keep it rolling forward; the system would collapse.

        • That's correct. It would collapse.

          • Very true,

            The system is collapsing and will collapse within the next 2 to 5 years unless the Federal Reserve goes to digital money. Then all of us will be monitored every time we spend any of those digital funds. 

            That is the best way for the feds to keep track of what everyone does with their funds.  With fiat money they cannot accomplish tracking to the same degree.

            We need to make sure we have gold and silver and some Federal Reserve notes on hand, just so the feds can't track our every move.

  • It's seriously time to drain the swamp.

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