At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014
October 25, 2014
At Least 29 Members of US House of Representatives Are Israeli Dual Citizens and Need to Be Voted Out on November 4, 2014 (Oct. 25, 2014)
There is no other country in the world that allows members of its national government to be a citizen of two different nations at the same time, except the United States. The dual citizen status can only apply to citizens of Israel, and no other country. This change to US law was made possible by the subversion and betrayal of Jewish Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas, a Johnson appointee, who later had to resign from the Supreme Court. This disastrous change to our immigration law MUST be changed back to no dual citizens allowed to participate in any government office. In the meantime, you have an opportunity to remove 29 of these Israeli fifth columnists from the House of Representatives on November 4. Do your part and VOTE on November 4 and kick the traitors out of congress.
House of Representatives:
1. Representative Gary Ackerman (New York)
2. Representative John H. Adler (New Jersey)
3. Representative Shelley Berkley (Nevada)
4. Representative Howard Berman (California)
5. Representative Steve Cohen (Tennessee)
6. Representative Susan Davis (California)
7. Representative Eliot Engel (New York)
8. Representative Bob Filner (California)
9. Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts)
10. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (Arizona)
11. Representative Alan Grayson (Florida)
12. Representative Jane Harman (California)
13. Representative Paul Hodes (New Hampshire)
14. Representative Steve Israel (New York)
15. Representative Steve Kagen (Wisconsin)
16. Representative Ronald Klein (Florida)
17. Representative Sander Levin (Michigan)
18. Representative Nita Lowey (New York)
19. Representative Jerry Nadler (New York)
20. Representative Jared Polis (Colorado)
21. Representative Steve Rothman (New Jersey)
22. Representative Jan Schakowsky (Illinois)
23, Representative Adam Schiff (California)
24. Representative Allyson Schwartz (Pennsylvania)
25. Representative Brad Sherman (California)
26. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Florida)
27. Representative Henry Waxman (California)
28. Representative Anthony Weiner (New York)
29. Representative John Yarmuth (Kentucky)
On November 4, Be Sure to Re-elect the 36 House Members of The Congressional Israel Allies Caucus & Support The Struggle to Keep Israel Safe From Gazan Terrorists (Oct 22, 2014)
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom? (Sept. 19, 2014)
Israeli Citizens in the US Congress and the Obama Administration (Updated May 19, 2014)
Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke Quickly Yields to Faustian Sales Terms Dictated by The World Conquerors (Oct. 6, 2014)
Israel Buys the US Congress: Sabotaging the US-Iran Peace Negotiations by James Petras November 3, 2013
Stop Killing Children ~ No More Military Aid to Israel
This is surprising news. I had no idea that was true.
The foreign (British) corporate criminals retook command of their subjects in 1787 here in America after a bloody overt war that the foreign corporate criminals lost (too much stolen loot), so they, the foreign corporate criminals retook by covert means that which they could not enforce by overt means.
That was common knowledge among the true federalists like George Mason, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Yates, and Luther Martin, to name a few.
So now someone finds the records that were found by true federalists years ago only now the trail leads back to the current local corporate criminals who are more overtly tied to the foreign corporate criminals traced back to the false British Crown and likely to be traced back to the false Christian Vatican and the so called Jesuits, or New World Order, or illuminati, or whichever division of the foreign concept of might making right, man ruling over man, the rat race, the race to the bottom, or simple organized crime if English words can actually carry true meaning.
Actually, the number of traitors in the US Congress is much higher than that... According to the original 13th amendment, every BAR lawyer has forfeited his American Citizenship when he/she accepted a title of nobility from a foreign nation. namely the British Admiralty Registry. None of them is lawfully an officer in our government!
I think that Shakespeare said it best and first, when he said, "Much ado about nothing."
In fact, it works the other way around, too.
For example:
This is just the short list.
Furthermore, there are many more in Congress, who have dual-citizenship. Michelle Bachmann finally renounced her Swiss citizenship and Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship. But both of them are high profile politicians. Out of 535 members of both houses of Congress, I would not be surprised to learn that more than 200 had some sort of dual citizenship.
In fact, with the U.S. government getting more and more desperate to punish success and at the same time, keep the wealthy from leaving, it's actually imperative for anyone, who wants to insure that they will be able to travel if things get really bad here, to have dual citizenship. That second passport may be your only hope of getting out, if things continue to get worse.
In 2008, Bush signed into law the first ever U.S. exit tax (the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act). Historically, an exit tax generally precedes closing of the borders by about 12 to 21 years. If you don't have a second passport by the time the borders are closed, you won't be able to leave. Think of it this way. You will be in the position of the Jew who was next in line to leave Nazi Germany, when they closed the borders to Jews.
Today, dual-citizenship has nothing at all to do with patriotism or lack of patriotism. It's almost always nothing more than an escape hatch. You hold that second passport, in case your primary passport becomes useless or is revoked by an over-reaching government. You don't want to have to use it. But you have it, just in case. When you get on a plane, you look for the emergency exits. You hope you won't have to use one of those exits, but you make sure that you know where they are, just in case. That second passport is your emergency exit, in the event that the U.S. government plane catches fire on the runway.
Dual-citizenship is not the problem. It's just a symptom. It's sad that dual-citizenship has become a necessary safety valve against an increasingly overbearing government.
Marty, just keep in mind that while that "Enhanced" driver license allows you to cross the border, it doesn't allow you to stay. Also, if you lose or give up your U.S. passport under such desperate conditions and you do not have another passport, you become a stateless person. That is possible and I have met someone who is a stateless person. But life as a stateless person is apparently extremely difficult and the only practical way to make it work is to be very rich.
Your last two statements say it all: "planning for the worst while I pray for the best" and "Those that do not plan for the worst case scenarios will be at a disadvantage when bad times come."
I'm not a survivalist or conspiracy theorist. But I have had my exit strategy in place since Clinton took office. I never expected to have to really use that exit strategy, back then. Then came the Patriot Act and I began to worry that I might have to use it. Now we have Obama and I'm desperately trying to figure out a way not to use it. All that we would need to completely destroy this country would be to elect Hillary or another Bush to the White House. If that happens, there will be a giant sucking sound as everyone who can afford it, rushes out the door. Of course, with Obama still in office, that could still happen sooner.
In almost all cases, second passports are not about loyalties, but about having a path of escape planned out. I have traveled all over the world. I ran an import/export business for a number of years and I lived in London for some time. All that time, I maintained a home in the Texas. But with my Texas accent, I often encountered U.S. expats in my travels. Although I didn't keep count, I would say that less than 2% of all the U.S. expats that I talked to told me that leaving the USA was their first choice. The rest - mostly wealthy - felt that they had no other choice. On the other side of the coin, about half of them are happy where they are now. After a time, they get comfortable in their new adopted home. Once that happens, they begin to develop the kind of patriotism for their new country, that made them not want to leave the USA. That means that even if things turn around, many of those people will not return.
The really bad part about that is that almost all of those who are leaving are those who are most under attack by our government - the rich. We desperately need them to pay the taxes to pay down our debt, but they are the people who are leaving. Since Obama assumed office, more than 10,000 wealthy taxpayers have renounced U.S. citizenship. TO put this into perspective, the last year that Bush was in office (2008), there were just 231 renunciations in the whole year. Last quarter, alone, there were 776. See the article "Obama drives record 10,000+ wealthy U.S. taxpayers to renounce citi...".
These aren't just people with a second passport. They turned in their U.S. passport and along with it, their tax liability to the USA. A doctor in Panama told me that although he gets paid much less per office visit and per medical procedure in Panama, than when he was in the USA, he lives a far better lifestyle. He gets to see three to four times more patients, since he doesn't have all the government mandated reporting requirements. He has only a receptionist and a nurse, while back in the USA he also had to employ a lab person and a medical records person. Then there's the huge malpractice insurance policy that he doesn't have to take out. He told me that he gets to spend more time doing what he was trained to do, which is heal people, rather than what he spent most of his time doing in the USA, which was fill out forms. So he makes almost as much money, while treating more patients, which he wants to do. Then, since the cost of living is lower in Panama, he lives a far better lifestyle than he could have lived in the USA for about the same money. But the real kicker was that he can now prescribe whatever treatment "he," as a doctor, familiar with the patient, believes to be best for the patient, rather than what the government or the pharmaceutical companies in another state consider best and he can do so without fear of losing his license or going to jail. Furthermore, there are people of every profession who have a similar story for leaving.
Marty, I fail to understand what you're saying about a 15% Exit Tax, as it would apply to those who are "not wealthy." There are some fees for renouncing, but nothing of which I'm aware, that would affect non-wealthy expats at that level.
Thanks to George W. Bush (Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act), very wealthy expats (those with a net worth of $2 million or a tax liability of $157,000 per year, for the each of the five years years prior to expatriation), must pay a tremendous EXIT TAX, in the form of "UNEARNED" capital gains on their worldwide estate. But how many people do you know who pay $157,000 in taxes each year? On the other hand, since Obama took office, the government reports that 10,413 taxpayers, fitting this category, have renounced citizenship. These are the people who pay the lion's share of collected income tax.